The Non Hetero Normative Thread

  • Thread starter Jugend

Tonight I've been out partying. It was a good night. This week it's the homo-rainbow week in Stockholm and gays/lesbians are showing off everywhere.

So.. I'm drunk.. Waiting for a cab to take me home, talking to a very nice guy and suddenly we end up in a serious makeout. It was very nice and now when I come home I think back about what happened.

Big deal, I kissed a guy. Still I don't want to have a relationship with a guy. I like women. I want to get married and have children.

Point of this thread? I just discovered how fluent the concept of sexuality is. Call me gay if you want to. I might be. I might not be. I just discovered that sexuality is so much more than the norm society will put upon you, whatever it might be, gay, straight or whatever.

What are your thoughts on this?

Is sexuality a social construction or a biological fact?

I think it's something inbetween without firm borders, anything goes.
Bisexual if you ask me. And please, we don't need details.

To be honest, I don't care at all... anybody can go yoink with anybody else, so long as it's mutual and consensual. Doesn't cause any hardships to me in any way, and it's none of my business in the first place.
I just discovered that sexuality is so much more than the norm society will put upon you, whatever it might be, gay, straight or whatever.

What are your thoughts on this?

Is sexuality a social construction or a biological fact?

I think it's something inbetween without firm borders, anything goes.

I agree with you that sexuality is as much a social construct as a biological fact. For instance, I don't think people have been designed or even evolved to being monogamous, but social evolution has preferred this combination as it makes for a stable environment for raising the next generation. But just the feeling of sex and of kissing is nice, and if you were blindfolded and kiss someone else and you wouldn't know if you were kissing a guy or a girl, it would still be nice. Same goes to a large extent for other kinds of sexual activity. Sexual arousal can come from secondary mental association and sensory input, but the actual feeling of enjoying sex and physical arousal 'below the waist' has been shown to be an autonomous system directly connected to and controlled by the bottom part of the spinal nervous system. That is why prisons can be so 'corrupting' and child-abuse has such a big and confusing impact on the abused even much later in life.
So, sobered up and edited out some details. :D

Arwin, When you say prisons can be 'corrupted' do you mean that men have sex w each other to a much bigger extent than in the normal everyday life outside them?

I've always seen that picture of prisons as propaganda, scaring men away from the path of crime, because if you end up in prison you'll be someones little slut.

But if it is that way for real, then it's an interesting fact that to some extent shows how our sexual preferences are learned and therefore can be changed without it having to be something unnatural.
> So.. I'm drunk.. Waiting for a cab to take me home, talking to a very nice guy and suddenly we end up in a serious makeout.

Hope you used protection. :lol:

> I like women. I want to get married and have children.

Then you would be a dad with gay tendencies. Don't tell the wife unless she's in to some kinky stuff.

Seriously though, I don't mind gays as long as they keep it to themselves. But, take it out of the taxi queue goddamit!!
So, sobered up and edited out some details. :D

Arwin, When you say prisons can be 'corrupted' do you mean that men have sex w each other to a much bigger extent than in the normal everyday life outside them?

I've always seen that picture of prisons as propaganda, scaring men away from the path of crime, because if you end up in prison you'll be someones little slut.

But if it is that way for real, then it's an interesting fact that to some extent shows how our sexual preferences are learned and therefore can be changed without it having to be something unnatural.

I heard about how a lot of Arab men, that are seperated from women because of religious reasons, tend to turn to homosexuality. It's not their choice, but an adaptation to their environment.

Could this be your case, GTJugend? I hope I'm not being too personal with my question...

EDIT: For moe detailed information about what is happening in the Arab world, check out this link...
well, first off, GTJugend you got some brass balls to put that out on the net. I'll respect you for that. But yeah, that's pretty gay. Gays can be gay, just don't hit on me, and know that i think your going to hell when you die. But i'm okay as long as i don't see you making out or you don't hit on me. I see some of you saying that our idea of sex is socially formed and that really sex is sex and it doesn't matter who it's with. Your saying we weren't 'designed' to be the way we are. Well, we also weren't designed to form governments and regulate ourselves the way we do now. We are supposed to evovle beyond our barbaric instincts, we are special in that we are the only animals that can do that. (domesticated animals aside) If we acted like we were designed to, then we'd all be clubbing eachother and i wouldn't want to live in that world.

Just my opinion.
I see some of you saying that our idea of sex is socially formed and that really sex is sex and it doesn't matter who it's with. Your saying we weren't 'designed' to be the way we are. Well, we also weren't designed to form governments and regulate ourselves the way we do now. We are supposed to evovle beyond our barbaric instincts, we are special in that we are the only animals that can do that. (domesticated animals aside) If we acted like we were designed to, then we'd all be clubbing eachother and i wouldn't want to live in that world.

Just my opinion.

Only if you took the animal view of sex, then our social evolution doesn't dictate us to have sex just for reproduction either. Fact is, by far most of the time our sex is 'recreative' in the spend time together sense, not to actually recreate. So according to the same logic you use above, there's no real reason for worrying about who you're having sex with for any other than social reasons. And so if you enjoy doing that with a guy or a girl, doesn't really matter.

Interesting comment by some who object to gays coming after them. Welcome to the world of girls, guys. :D My advice is, just consider yourself flattered and say you're not interested if necessary. No need to feel offended at all - it's not your manliness that's being attacked, a gay doesn't come on to you because he thinks you're a girl, after all. ;)
Solid Lifters
I heard about how a lot of Arab men, that are seperated from women because of religious reasons, tend to turn to homosexuality. It's not their choice, but an adaptation to their environment.

Could this be your case, GTJugend? I hope I'm not being too personal with my question...

I think it's hard to get more personal than I already have been in this thread. :)

The answer is clearly no. The past year has been a very good one when it comes to intimacy with the opposite gender. And I'm not connfessing to any kind of religion. I'm just a regular guy with general interests. At least I thought I was until last night.

I have been hit on many times before since I got a few gay friends and therefore occsionally goes to gay nightclubs, but I was never interested invitations given on those places. And now suddenly this. Living 29 years thinking you know who you are - wrong.

Anyway, it's an eyeopener for me about how sexual prefs possibly could be evolved. I've always seen that as much more genetically determined than other things, like personal traits that develops very much in social interaction but this makes me rethink that. I have always had a very open-minded approach to life and mabye that in combination with my familiarity of the gay community have opened this option for me.

And 87chevy, "coming out" or whatever you want to call this is not a big deal to me. It's not like my mom hangs here at gtp. I'm not that bothered if some ppl thinks I'm a wacko here. And about your reasoning, I don't follow you all the way so I could misunderstand you with this respond.

I'm not saying that if sexuality now is a learned behavior, there is something wrong with being straight and that all ppl would be happier if everyone was bisexual. I'm simply saying that to me it seems like it's to much bigger extent than I ever thought before a construct, and a construct can in it's nature be changed.

And yes. Gays can be pretty gay. I agree on that one :lol: Stereotypes always goes on my nerves.
Bisexual if you ask me. And please, we don't need details.
ooooh, why not? i like details, and thats by far the most interesting thread on gtp for days. :P


gays go to hell? cool! i will be glad to go there after i die, if i have to, because to me it is more important how i lead my life, than were i lead my (most probably nonexistant) afterlive. and if love brings me to hell, it seems to be a far better place to be. 👍
wow, GTjugend, i am astounded at your individualism here. that took some serious balls to do in such an immature atmosphere as the GTPlanet forums. yes there are many cool memebers, but for each of them there are 20 little boys who are, themselves, unsure of thier own sexuality as virtually every young man who ever lived has been (if even for a short while). i always try and express whatever comes to my mind without censor and you've really made me and all the other individuals proud with the reporting of your liasion and the new journey of self discovery it has put you on. personally i don't care if it's a man, woman, or an otter. follow your heart bro. you definitley made the cooler than cool list here 👍
Max E.
personally i don't care if it's a man, woman, or an otter. follow your heart bro.

An otter? No thanks.

You probably wouldn't mind following your heart with the Cape Clawless Otter (Aonyx capensis) since they go through rituals of fighting and romping :lol:.
Ghost C
And I didn't think it was possible, but this thread got even gayer at 9:06 AM EST...

damn, that really dissapoints me. especially coming from such a tolerant and accepting place as north carolina.
I wonder where that good 'ol boy gets his sheets ? Are they the regular kind or do they come with the eye holes already in them ?
Thanks a bunch Max.

Actually I was excpecting more comments like "this is gay" than it has been. Mabye gtp is not that immature compared to many other forums?

I never seen myself as an exceptional individualist, but when you say so, hmm mabye? After all this is a very unorthodox topic here and I haven't been worried at all how this will be seen upon, for me it was a very fascinating thing that happened and I thought mabye some users here could give me some interesting feedback about it.

I wonder where that good 'ol boy gets his sheets ? Are they the regular kind or do they come with the eye holes already in them ?

I'm sorry - Are you trying to call me a redneck? I mean, have you seen my website? Or half of my posts? Or my picture?

Wait, I've got it - I have a view of gay men disfavorable to the current trend of the thread, so that obviously makes me a close-minded asshole, whereas you automatically thinking you're better than me for not being "close-minded" is perfectly alright, when in fact you're doing the same thing I'm doing - Just trying to cop a holier-than-thou attitude about it. Moron.

By the way, kids, the old "LOOK HE LIVES IN THE SOUTH HE'S REDNECK KKK NEO-NAZI LOALZ LOALZ" **** is old. To further the point, I'm not from the south, nor do I enjoy living here.
so that obviously makes me a close-minded asshole
You said it I did not. My opinion of you can only be based on your response to the topic in hand , unless I really give an otter fart to look into it. And your response seems to indicate a definate "red neck" attude. Although in my post I was leaning more towards the KKK .
A redneck attitude? How is it a redneck attitude? What, because I said that a thread about a guy kissing a guy is gay?


In closing, yo momma
wow. what an exceptional group of scholors this is. look dude. sorry i struck a nerve with the north carolina thing. the fact is, you needed to lash out at my support of GTJugend because you were insecure about your own sexuality. the thing you have a problem understanding is not how men can be gay but why YOU are infact, a homosexual man. i know you are a secret lover of swedish homoerotica but it's ok. GTJugend is bravely paving the way here for you and all of the other closet cases. i know it is just not cool to fly your rainbow flag down there in the south, but i was hoping GTjugends noble effort could get you out of the closet where you belong with the other proud brothers and sisters.


P.S. i have to admit, i did like " in closing, yo momma." that was excellent.
I was expecting some mindless drivel to come from your account sooner or later, Max. Instead of taking the time to reply to what you think qualifies as a good insult, I'll just post this...

jesus not more unoriginal crap from yet another unoriginal bastard. as flattering as it is to get under somebody's skin so bad that they have to waste their time paying homage to me like that, it has been done before. why do i run into this type of thing so much? why can't people just be original? is that too much to ask?

listen a$$wipe, the best thing you can do at this point is just give it up. you've already exposed yourself as an unoriginal closet homosexual. what's next? are you going to reveal your animal porn addiction?? there's nothing you can say that i can't counter. perhaps i should take it easy on you since you are obviously the bastard child of your father and his sister. but now that i think about it, even though you are some inbred moron with 3 teeth (and two of them are in your pocket), it doesn't mean you have the right to be unoriginal.

the saddest thing of all is that i drive a cadillac and i am offended that a closed-minded pinhead like you creates an association with a cadillac owner like me. and while we are on the subject; it's "cadillac POWER" not "cadillac powar" you dimwit waste of sperm.