The Non Hetero Normative Thread

  • Thread starter Jugend
Someone is awful touchy. By the way, calling me unoriginal in almost every comeback (ala "Slap him silly") is, guess what, unoriginal.
I've had you beaten since "You're the load your mother should've swallowed ;)."

It took you nearly three months to figure it out?
actually, i think you'd be the only one to say i was beaten. looks like you keep recycling in spite of your exposure as an unoriginal bastard. the only thing you've beaten is your dick here son. amazing how you can do it without scatching your little wang. you must have little hands from one of those old tiny smurf figurines on the end of those tweezers for safety purposes.

i dare you to say one original thing in your next mindless post. probably not possible since your pea brain is already operating dangerously above capacity to think back to all the cool things you've stolen before. maybe you can cruise the local playgrounds and steal some more lame material that everybody has heard a million times from a few of your intillectual superiors (2nd graders). just don't try to lure any of the little boys to your house with the promise of candy. i believe that's illegal even in north carolina.

another option would be to come back on and wow everybody with your declaration about how you won this argument again. either way, it's win-win for you 👍. ass.
It's amazing, I don't even have to say anything original - Or anything worthwhile - To get a response from you.

You almost make it too easy. But please, continue. I'm bored and you're entertaining.
Yeah, no, for the record, I think you were beaten too Max. Because your posts were all really long and I didn't really read them, but then Ghost C's posts were short and witty. Incidentally, Max, you remind me of Aaron Carter.
I've come to the conclusion that Ghost C fancies Max.
Whenever Max posts anywhere other than the OLR forums, Ghost C is there.

So Ghost C, this is the ideal thread to tell us all your true feeling for Max.
You know you want his babies.
Yeah, no, for the record, I think you were beaten too Max. Because your posts were all really long and I didn't really read them, but then Ghost C's posts were short and witty. Incidentally, Max, you remind me of Aaron Carter.

damn, and here i was thinking all of us new yorkers atleast knew who to side with in a chop fight. live and learn i always say. then again i shouldn't be so shocked that some of my cracks are a little to cerebral for some of the GT Planeteers. i tried to dumb it down but i guess i'm incapable of getting the attention of the A.D.D. inflicted youth of today.

next time i'll just say "your momma" :lol:
Thanks a bunch Max.

Actually I was excpecting more comments like "this is gay" than it has been. Mabye gtp is not that immature compared to many other forums?

I never seen myself as an exceptional individualist, but when you say so, hmm mabye? After all this is a very unorthodox topic here and I haven't been worried at all how this will be seen upon, for me it was a very fascinating thing that happened and I thought mabye some users here could give me some interesting feedback about it.

i think if you had opened that thread in the rumble strip the reaction would have been different...most of these immature users won't even look into this forum because they don't understand half of what is written here... ;)
Interesting comment by some who object to gays coming after them. Welcome to the world of girls, guys. :D My advice is, just consider yourself flattered and say you're not interested if necessary. No need to feel offended at all - it's not your manliness that's being attacked, a gay doesn't come on to you because he thinks you're a girl, after all. ;)

in parting, and all kidding aside, i would like to affirm that this is a very good point. when i was working at both palladium and limelight in NYC from 91-93, this was a very regular occurrance for me (to be hit on by guys). anybody who was around in that golden age of NYC clubs understands it simply went with the territory if you were anywhere hardcore techno was. i found it as simple as "that's not my scene" and almost every time it was "ok but if you change your mind....." most homophobic people (american males) think gay men will all rape you or some other dumb crap. as much as most phobes would love to hold on to such idiotic beliefs (right up there with every gay man wants to bang them :lol: ), they are patently false. gay men, in my experience, are far LESS agressive then straight men are towards women. FAR less. anyway, enjoy your respective sexualities and don't let any ignorant, insecure, small people get in the way of your personal persuits. your life belongs to you, not the predjudiced. laters.
i think if you had opened that thread in the rumble strip the reaction would have been different...most of these immature users won't even look into this forum because they don't understand half of what is written here... ;)

Haha, yes I guess you're right. How about a "I suck ****" thread in the drifting forum? :lol:

And Max, I have to agree that homosexual people are far less aggressive than heterosexual guys (mabye with an exception of the militant butch lesibians) in general when it comes to hitting on other people. The whole warrior-princess syndrome seen in hetero situations dissapears and the way of showing that youre attracted to someone else get so much less stereotypical.
Haha, yes I guess you're right. How about a "I suck ****" thread in the drifting forum? :lol:
"a gay into motorsports?" i fear you would destroy their view of the world. ;)
And Max, I have to agree that homosexual people are far less aggressive than heterosexual guys (mabye with an exception of the militant butch lesibians) in general when it comes to hitting on other people. The whole warrior-princess syndrome seen in hetero situations dissapears and the way of showing that youre attracted to someone else get so much less stereotypical.
thats true indeed...a gay friend of mine just had to defend girl from a drunken idiot last weekend. the guy tried to molest her because she wasn't interested, then my friend stopped him and the idiot attacked my friend several times but he was to weak and my friend just hold him and told him to bugger off instead of hitting back...and i've never heard of a straight guy being attacked by a queer because he wasn't interested... ;)
Max E.
damn, and here i was thinking all of us new yorkers atleast knew who to side with in a chop fight. live and learn i always say. then again i shouldn't be so shocked that some of my cracks are a little to cerebral for some of the GT Planeteers. i tried to dumb it down but i guess i'm incapable of getting the attention of the A.D.D. inflicted youth of today.

next time i'll just say "your momma" :lol:

:lol: How do you not laugh at your own thoughts? :lol:
Well said Max.

I've had a butch lesbian yell at me for looking at her... she could have kicked my ass too :( . So my relationship thus far with lesbians: I like them but they don't like me.

I don't mind gay guys although it's sometimes uncomfortable when they are the ultra flaming variety. Im glad, as max said, that they are less agressive. With the shape those guys are in I would live in constant fear of being raped.

Do gays go to hell? Is there an Ikea in hell?
first off, i gotta say i'm disappointed in ledhed, all of a sudden he's a member of the KKK because he don't like gays??? wow..... and then he says he's not even from the south but you guys keep making these horrible red-neck, white trash insults....... hmmm, doesn't make sense. were his first posts immature, yeah. but i dont think automatically makes him a member of the KKK.

I respect Jugend for putting this out in public at all, but yeah, if this was the rumble strip, or anyother forum, the responses would be much much worse. Do i like gays, not really. do i wish them dead or have the urge to string them up? no. now, they are pretty damned funny, the super flamers. I'm not going to go out of my way to make gay friends, but i'm not going to just tell one to go kill himself if he tries to talk to me either. Good points about Gay men not being aggressive. thank goodness they are not though. Do i believe that kissing another dude and enjoying it, makes you gay, well yeah, that's what being gay is all about right? you know, actually i'm not set in stone that Gays go to hell, because all those hot nympho lesbos should be in heaven ;) but really, i'm not really set in my religious beliefs, especially when it comes' to heaven and hell. i just know there is a God, or whatever you want to call him/her. however, there does just seem to be something very wrong about two dudes poking eachother in the pooper.... but that's just my opinion.
however, there does just seem to be something very wrong about two dudes poking eachother in the pooper.... but that's just my opinion.
lots of gays don't even do that. though lots of heterosexual couples do that as well. ;)