M5PowerYeah, no, for the record, I think you were beaten too Max. Because your posts were all really long and I didn't really read them, but then Ghost C's posts were short and witty. Incidentally, Max, you remind me of Aaron Carter.
i think if you had opened that thread in the rumble strip the reaction would have been different...most of these immature users won't even look into this forum because they don't understand half of what is written here...GTJugendThanks a bunch Max.
Actually I was excpecting more comments like "this is gay" than it has been. Mabye gtp is not that immature compared to many other forums?
I never seen myself as an exceptional individualist, but when you say so, hmm mabye? After all this is a very unorthodox topic here and I haven't been worried at all how this will be seen upon, for me it was a very fascinating thing that happened and I thought mabye some users here could give me some interesting feedback about it.
ArwinInteresting comment by some who object to gays coming after them. Welcome to the world of girls, guys.My advice is, just consider yourself flattered and say you're not interested if necessary. No need to feel offended at all - it's not your manliness that's being attacked, a gay doesn't come on to you because he thinks you're a girl, after all.
vladimiri think if you had opened that thread in the rumble strip the reaction would have been different...most of these immature users won't even look into this forum because they don't understand half of what is written here...![]()
"a gay into motorsports?" i fear you would destroy their view of the world.GTJugendHaha, yes I guess you're right. How about a "I suck ****" thread in the drifting forum?![]()
thats true indeed...a gay friend of mine just had to defend girl from a drunken idiot last weekend. the guy tried to molest her because she wasn't interested, then my friend stopped him and the idiot attacked my friend several times but he was to weak and my friend just hold him and told him to bugger off instead of hitting back...and i've never heard of a straight guy being attacked by a queer because he wasn't interested...And Max, I have to agree that homosexual people are far less aggressive than heterosexual guys (mabye with an exception of the militant butch lesibians) in general when it comes to hitting on other people. The whole warrior-princess syndrome seen in hetero situations dissapears and the way of showing that youre attracted to someone else get so much less stereotypical.
Max E.damn, and here i was thinking all of us new yorkers atleast knew who to side with in a chop fight. live and learn i always say. then again i shouldn't be so shocked that some of my cracks are a little to cerebral for some of the GT Planeteers. i tried to dumb it down but i guess i'm incapable of getting the attention of the A.D.D. inflicted youth of today.
next time i'll just say "your momma"![]()
lots of gays don't even do that. though lots of heterosexual couples do that as well.87chevyhowever, there does just seem to be something very wrong about two dudes poking eachother in the pooper.... but that's just my opinion.