- 845
that trailer has been there for a couple days now...anyone have any ideas what its there for? is there a racing team doing work there? GT5?
any clue?
any clue?
opendriver19aI pretty sure I see a carrera GT behind the 2 renaults
nop gt2 by the looks of itopendriver19aI think it might be an RUF but im not sure
Hmmm... that looks like FamineDQuaNYes we can see you!
The cars have been stationary for quite a while now. Not the best place to park them though!
nope coupe version of the cavalierTheCrackerIts a Vauxhall/Opel Calibra - a coupe version of the Vectra.
bonnet ventfranzHow can you tell it is a Z06?
different rims?