The Nurburgring Webcam Gallery

  • Thread starter el flexo
(probably saw that yourself)
Not until you mentioned it. Big question now is: is he going to take it for a round. ;)

Interesting web cam though, amazing things happen of which you'd never think that would occur there, like bicycle contests, running contests, etc. etc. :)


Looking really busy right now:

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an m1 and more mgs

silver one might be a kit reminds me of a mk3 gt40 and the black things a mosler something..looks like it says vmt500 :confused:[/QUOTE]
awesome awesome awesome
I think the GT40 was a replica or something. Has been mentioned here a few times already and was quite a regular on the Nurburingring.
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that probably means that current laptimes can be thrown out from the window, depending of how much of the Nurb will be resurfaced.

With one tamper, a small excavator and what appears to be a tipped over mini forklift probably can't do enough resurfacing to affect laptimes in any significant amount. I'm sure it's just patching up a couple spots or something.
awesome awesome awesome

The silver car is an Isdera.

Why would anyone paint an Isdera in the Gulf livery? It's clearly a Ford GT/ GT replica of some mark.

Just seems to be ABT testing one of their many projects TBH, nothing particularly special there. Doesn't seem to resemble a racecar of any sort, maybe just slight front end modifications from what we can see.
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Just seems to be ABT testing one of their many projects TBH, nothing particularly special there. Doesn't seem to resemble a racecar of any sort, maybe just slight front end modifications from what we can see.

I'd say it is fairly likely to be a race car of some description. It looks to be sat up on hydraulic axel stands and there is a stack of tyres in tyre warmers near the entrance of the awning.

*edit* It's also been reported that ABT have been seen testing a GT3 R8 today.

I'd say it is fairly likely to be a race car of some description. It looks to be sat up on hydraulic axel stands and there is a stack of tyres in tyre warmers near the entrance of the awning.

*edit* It's also been reported that ABT have been seen testing a GT3 R8 today.

My bad, sincerely hope that the car we see is the R8 GT3! To be 100% honest, if I was going out on the Nord' in ANY car i'd want some pre-heated slicks, especially as the going looks slightly greasy today.
Why would anyone paint an Isdera in the Gulf livery? It's clearly a Ford GT/ GT replica of some mark.

Just seems to be ABT testing one of their many projects TBH, nothing particularly special there. Doesn't seem to resemble a racecar of any sort, maybe just slight front end modifications from what we can see.

Sorry mate you are wrong, the silver car is an Isdera, an Erator GTE.


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some morons had thier heads crammed into the tolbooths while the track was closed. The mystery Audi came back again aswell as a VW Jetta wagon and a VW Touran.

??? cant find anything on the net about the track being closed due to snow.
Can anyone shine light on this?

sorry about the double post, the message above would have made no sense in my previous post.

Edit 22/12/08: This is annoying me! The track must be closed over the festive season.
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