radicool02Everybody had to re-regester.
Very good indead. Good job Tiger, cant see much to improve on.tigerxhere's the Porsche GT1 project that i started sometime ago, it's look pretty good IMO.
C & C are welcome
tigerxppl on manga cars said that it need a shadow, but i don't think that's neccessary since it'll be an obstacle when i wanna edit the car again.
Hey you're never on aim! There's a enw link to MCF. .FD DRFTrWad Up?!!??!!! What hapened to the other Manga Car forums???
Ive got a new AE-86 coming ot soon, trust me its kick ass....
OmicroNHey guys, working on yet another one....
2005 viper.
radicool02Wow! look at this, Mati is laving the Mangacar scene. He was one of the best I had ever seen.
radicool02I can't stop, everytime I see a new base, I just want to tune it!
OmicroNThe viper's all done, go ahead and tune it if u want.
BlazinXtremeWell what the hell now I'm getting into this! Gotta do something to pass time at work, so here check out what I did. The base was by 69 Dodge Charger but I managed to make this close to my blazer. And I also made some of the other guys in my car clubs Blazers as well...and threw them into a garage. I'm working on a car show scene right now...but I need people. Any body got any?