The Official Manga Car Thread....Post all Manga requests and creations here

  • Thread starter kazesupra
I love that Opel X-treme mati đź‘Ť I just wish I had more motivation to get manag'ing again. Sadly I just hadn't felt like doing one for a while.

Exactly why I haven't tuned one for a while... It just got old... I might start tuning again, but I don't really feel like it at the moment...

It's a shame though because I have only just got into Touge Runners really, and to feel like I do now doesn't put in a good name for me. Hopefully they don't chuck me out for my inactive-ness so that when I do feel like tuning again I can go back to them, but it's their decision in the end.
This is my first shot at this stuff. It looks pretty fun.

The base credit is Mr. Monkeypoo


I added a cowl hood, duel exhaust, slicks, and a few other mods. What ya'll think?
anyone have any idea what's goin on with the mangacar forums??

i talked to ayax about a week ago and he said he had contacted the host about the problem and was waiting for a reply from them.
he didnt know what was up with it, but it looks like the problem is with the host.

are you on mcfa yet jeembo?

a new tune by me....
honda integra type R c-west

i talked to ayax about a week ago and he said he had contacted the host about the problem and was waiting for a reply from them.
he didnt know what was up with it, but it looks like the problem is with the host.

are you on mcfa yet jeembo?
I am but i keep losing the url.. if you can, plz email or AIM it to me! or jeembo2k. thanx bro
I've looked through this thread for working links on how to start making manga cars but all of them are dead!! I really wanna try it out so if anyone can give me advice, a link, or ANYTHING I'll owe you forever
Hmmm, advide. Well, all you really need is MS paint. Just use the paint bucket, line tool, magnifine glass, eraser and the cutting out thing. Don't make the cars one shade, try to make them all different shades. And save them as Gif or Png.:) I'll look for a tutorial.
i talked to ayax about a week ago and he said he had contacted the host about the problem and was waiting for a reply from them.
he didnt know what was up with it, but it looks like the problem is with the host.

are you on mcfa yet jeembo?

i'm talking about that
Here it is ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. This has to be one of my best tunes ever, if not the best.
Presenting, the Falken Skyline!

Base - +23
Rims and Falken Decals - Blitz

With out them, this thing would be a worthless peice of s...ugar. :D Thanks guys. :)

My hands are getting sore so I'll stop writing and I'll finally show you this masterpeice....

Well, I see a lot of good manga's out there still. Good job on those. :sly:

As for my latest work, I am working on what's called the Nissan r390 gt1. I'm not sure if that's the exact name, but it's what I saw on the blueprints, which I found on my computer for some odd reason.

Enjoy, maybe I will do a side view, I don't know still, seems pretty complicated. đź‘Ť
Glad you guys like it so far. :dopey:

I was making the GT1 version, or race version. That had a wing on it, so I included it. This is just an in progress thing right now.

Again thismorning, I was bored, so I created something off the top of my head. I think what was on the top of my head was a 2005 mustang though, because this resembles it in many ways. It all started with some random lines being drawn together. It all kind of fell in place once I got started. Don't know if i'll make a side view for this either. It seems I either make just the front&back or just a side, can't match the 2 up.


I'm no good at sides. If anyone else wants to try to make it based off the 2 views already there, have at it, i'll let it be open to anyone willing to try. đź’ˇ
Speaking of random lines. I reckon it'd be cool to do a random base. You know, somebody makes a side view, after that 2 other people come along, one makes a front and the other makes a rear then some random person will come along and shade it. It sounds like a good me.;)
Speaking of random lines. I reckon it'd be cool to do a random base. You know, somebody makes a side view, after that 2 other people come along, one makes a front and the other makes a rear then some random person will come along and shade it. It sounds like a good me.;)
Yeah, that would be cool. Kinda like a swapping team creation. The only problem with that, is the next person would be able to completely change something in 2 seconds that another person worked on for a long long time.

It's an idea, if you wanna do that some time, i'll throw a random sideview up here and you guys can make whatever.

BTW, another damn WIP, Hummer H1... :dopey: