- 196
- United States
- XxBradCheeseCake
can i get matte black like 3 time?
Or if you have XJR-9 purple *5 or something else.
thing is my acc who will hold stacks of 5 (cool paints) that I'll use to reroll everytime i send has no cr so I can't buy the cheap paints there so I need to send them from my regular account and it will take extra days
Most of them I have in amounts of *1 at my regular account (except for the azzurro, lambo mattes & xjr-9 chip) but it will take time to dupe them all to 5 of each kind.
Heres a list of what I have at 2ndAcc atm (I want at least 5 of each, so those already 5+ can be ignored):
Rare Paints
10(C) Gold Chrome
5(C) Silver Chrome
1(CS) Aurora Nuvola Iridescente
0(CS) Azzurro Nuvola Iridescente
1(CS) Chameleon Blue
1(CS) Chameleon Orange
5(CS) Crystal Topaz Pearlescent
5(CS) Formula Chameleon Green
0(CS) Maziora Andromeda
0(CS) Maziora Andromedall
2(CS) Maziora Everest
0(CS) Maziora Matterhorn
5(CS) Maziora Mazeran
0(CS) Maziora McKenley
1(CS) Maziora Plreadesll
2(CS) Maziora Seyfert
1(CS) Maziora Trapezium
0(CS) Reflex Purple
0(CS) Reflex Spice
5(M) AMG Monza grau magno
6(M) Matt Black
6(M) Matte Black
0(M) Matte Blue
5(M) Matte Brown
0(M) Matte Dark Blue
0(M) Matte Dark Gray
0(M) Matte Dark Green
0(M) Matte Dark Red
0(M) Matte Dark Silver
2(M) Matte Gray
1(M) Matte Green
0(M) Matte Light Blue
0(M) Matte Light Gray
5(M) Matte Light Green
1(M) Matte Light Red
1(M) Matte Light Silver
0(M) Matte Orange
0(M) Matte Pink
1(M) Matte Purple
0(M) Matte Red
1(M) Matte Silver
0(M) Matte White
1(M) Matte Yellow
0(Met) Chrome Orange
5(Met) Midnight Purple II
5(Met) Midnight Purple III
1(S) Devil
1(Met) Olympic Gold Metallic
2(S)RX-8 yellow
0(MetGSX-R yellow met
1(Met)Chrome Orange
0(Met)Chrome Orange met
5(S)Santa Fe Orange
5(M) Nero nemesis
4(M) Bianco (something, lambo matte)
5(M) Morro (something, lambo matte)
0(M) XJR-9 Purple
So would preferably trade vs 5 azzuro or 5 xjr9, since it will spare me most trouble. Because I don't have those two either on one of my accs and it will be most time saving. I will start dupe the 2 lambo mattes tomorrow so those are less important, but 5* any paints which amount is < 5 is good too, since it will at least reduce a reroll one day, even though it won't save me a 'tradeday'.
yez, If any of this (my explanations) makes sense, god must be real. >_<
can i get matte black like 3 time