The Paint Trading Thread

Looking for Matte Green and Matte Light Red. I've got almost all Mattes and Silver Chrome to offer in return. PM for list if interested.

Already got them.
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What do you want to trade for it? I have a few

I would also like one too for my Lamborghini!

I've got heaps of red shades (including an Alfa), a Lambo orange, whites and blacks - sorry, I'm going off the top of my head, since I won't be able to play for another dozen hours..
I have midnight purple II anyone wanna trade for it? Looking for matt and chromes
Looking for Matte Light Gray, Dark Gray and White. Any car you want or paint for paint.

Got Matte Light Grey and Matte white. Looking for Chrome & Matte Black.
Can trade in a couple of hours. PSN jonzster
My modest list, I have:

matte grey
matte red
matte orange
matte silver
matte green
matte white
matte yellow
matte blue
matte pink
matte black
matte purple
matte brown

dark green
dark blue
dark silver
dark gray
dark red

light silver
light green
light blue
light red
light gray

and chrome

In total at me 280 different colors, I will not list them))

I will listen to your offers
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I have:

Color shift -
Mazoria Everest

Matte -
Dark Silver
Dark Green

Looking for colors in matte that I don't have either color shift or matte particularly White, Orange, and blues.

Add me on psn, same as my username.
Looking for Matte Black. The only Matte paint I have to trade in return is Matte Green. PM me if interested.
Looking for Matte Light Gray, Dark Gray and White. Any car you want or paint for paint.

I've got a matte grey, cant remember if its light or dark.Theres a chance i may have a matte white too.

Do you have an X1 to trade or is that too much for 2 paints

I've got a matte grey, cant remember if its light or dark.Theres a chance i may have a matte white too.

Do you have an X1 to trade or is that too much for 2 paints


Personally, I think that would be too much.
Looking for the following Maziora paints, have Mattes and Chrome Silver to trade. PM for list if interested.

Maziora McKenley
Maziora Matterhorn
Maziora Mazeran

Maziora Seyfert
Maziora Trapezium
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Hi. I'm looking for chrome silver and matte black. I have other mattes or color shifts to trade, or a car if you prefer. Psn brother_speed
Looking for any matte, chrome or colourshift colours I don't already have. Here is what I've got:

Reflex Purple
Maziora Andromedall
Matte White
Matte Gray
Matte Blue
Matte Yellow

Plus nearly 200 solid/metallic/pearl paints.
I'm looking for any colour shift paints as well as mattes that I do not have.

I have Matte Light Red, Matte Red, Matte Orange, Maziora Everest & Silver Chrome paints to trade.
I'm looking for any colour shift paints as well as mattes that I do not have.

I have Matte Light Red, Matte Red, Matte Orange, Maziora Everest & Silver Chrome paints to trade.

I want your Matte Light Red, Matte Orange, and Matte Red. I have:

Matte Light Silver
Matte Light Grey (looks like primer lol)
Matte Dark Silver
Matte Dark Blue
Matte Yellow
Matte Pink
Maziora McKenley
Maziora Trapezium

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