- 324
- im_remi
Looking 4 AMG coloured paints. I have 1305 piant chips got all the MATTEs , GOLD+SILVER CHROMES,both ORANGE CHROMES + MID YELLOW CHROME
I have 4 send avilable 4 now
I got AMG alubeam silver.
Looking 4 AMG coloured paints. I have 1305 piant chips got all the MATTEs , GOLD+SILVER CHROMES,both ORANGE CHROMES + MID YELLOW CHROME
I have 4 send avilable 4 now
hey man can we plz make a deal for theMatte Dark Green and ill give u 2 gold chromes
if deal contact me on psn: kimokimo96
Does anyone have the green paint from the BMW 2002? I believe it's called "Pistachio", I don't have too many more matte paints but pistachio is a normal paint so I don't think it's worth matte paint but I guess someone giving me pistachio and a paint from another car I'm interested in may get a matte color. Other paints I'm looking for: Isotope green, any color from cars from Lamborghini, TVR, or Lexus. Please PM me if interested or send a message to tturtle19 on PSN
I've got all the matte colors (I think) except lgt grey. I'm looking for gold chrome, matte lgt grey, and any AMG matte other than grau. I'll also entertain other interesting paints I don't have.
All trades are 1 for 1.
I've got those 2 colours, I'd like matt orange and matt dark blue
Looking for : Pure chrome paint chip!! (Need it to paint an audi r8 just like the bare aluminum version)
Have : Matte black (x3)
Matte blue, yellow, green, brown
I appear to have French Blue also, what's the hype about that color chip???
I've got chrome. Don't know if I have the french blue. I'm in a Bob race right now, should be done in 15-20 min.
Grand, PSn is there on the side, I'll give you a friend inv in a bit, French Blue yeah??
I've actually got French Blue, looks like there are 2 shades of it. I've got a light blue and a medium blue one, kinda weird. You have any color shifts?
Nahh just a plain one from Alfa Romeo, as I said, I have a few Matte's.. In all I have 550 therabouts of paintchips, so theres bound to be something you want, Chrome is fairly important for me, but I'm not bothered to go through the effort of buying 30 pdi racing carts over and over till I get the chip on a secondary account
looking for gold chrome i have
light red, light gray, black, dark silver
maziora plreadesll, reflex purple, maziora andromedall
trade 1x1
Nahh just a plain one from Alfa Romeo, as I said, I have a few Matte's.. In all I have 550 therabouts of paintchips, so theres bound to be something you want, Chrome is fairly important for me, but I'm not bothered to go through the effort of buying 30 pdi racing carts over and over till I get the chip on a secondary account
To anyone I have:
Jaguar Racing Green
Silver Chrome
Iris Red Pearl (Pink)
Matte Dark Blue & Gray
Matte Brown
Matte Dark Green
Matte Dark Silver
Matte Gray
Matte Light Grey
Matte Light Red
Matte Light Silver
Matte Red
i have all matte other than mentioned above,silver chrome,gold chrome
and 800+ paints
ill check that once im home,mate 👍
EDIT : unfortunately no,only Monza grau magno
Any color shifts?
Azzurro Nuvola Iridescente
Chameleon Blue
Chameleon Orange
Formula Chameleon Orange
Maziora Everest
Maziora Matterhorn
Maziora Mazeran
Maziora Plreadesll
Reflex Purple
Reflex Spice
anything you fancy,sir?