I'm after any sort of Yellow. Good yellow tho, not dull or yellow green or any of that. Will trade any other colors.
PM me
Hi GT5-friends. As a poor collector soulI am still searching for:
- Aurora Nuvola Iridescente
- Azurro Nuvola Iridescente
- Chameleon Orange
- Formula Chameleon Green
I can offer any other rare paint (as pointed on mygranturismo.net).
my ID there is 20672 (Monatsende).
Add me with a hint (like "GT5 paint"). I confirm asap. Send me the paints you
have (from list above) and ask for paints you want to have. My reply will come shortly timed.
Thanks and keep on grinding!!!
I have in my possession a Silver Chrome. I don't know what its worth but I will trade it for a rare car. I like fast cars, muscle cars and tuned cars.
Current want list:
Maclaren F1
Tuned drift car ( by tuned I mean setup to drift.)
Rare American muscle cars.
If My wants are not worth the paint then I am sorry I'll just keep it then.
Doncowleone1 if anyones interested.
Looking for Gold Chrome I have cars and paints to trade. Please PM Me
Have to trade
Gold chrome
Silver chrome
Matte white
Matte green
Matte dark gray
Matte dark blue
Matte black
Matte sliver
Matte light silver
Matte dark silver
Matte gray
Matte red
If u want to trade pm me saying trade paint on the psn.
I'm looking for
Vitamin C
Iris Blue Pearl
I have all Mattes, Colourshifts, Chromes, Midnight Purples & also fake chromes Chrome Orange, Chrome Orange Metallic (Light), Chrome Orange Metallic (Dark), Chrome Silver Metallic, Mid Chrome Yellow and some bright colours, Passionate Pink, Isotope Green, Sassy Grass Green and over 1000 other paints.
Will also trade helmets/suits for these paints
PSN: Nattdood