I have following matte chips:
matte light green
matte pink (pending)
matte orange, X3 (1 pending)
matte light gray,
matte gray, X2 (1 pending)
matte dark gray, X2
matte dark red,
matte green, x1 (1 pending)
matte light silver, X2
matte red,
matte silver, X2
matte dark silver,
matte black, (pending)
Color shift colors:
Maziora Plreadesll
Maziora Seyfert
I have 64 different horns (sorry not gonna list them all, if you need particular PM me)
Looking for chrome chips (could be a chrome painted premium car), and for Premium cars that are over 300k
If you need several paints we can negotiate it either by one expensive car or several cheaper cars.
If you need specific matte and you have your own matte chips you dont want we can exchange - desired matte chip from my collection on 2 chips of yours (except black one).
If iterested post your offer here or PM me.