I cant believe this has just happend... (and dont worry, I dont think anyone will get banned today.
I erased an entire response to you in order to put one smilie down...
So now this will be short.
Basically, I stand corrected, ruby ridge was in 1992.
Waco texas was in 1993.
One was bush, the other was clinton.
This plays a key role in almost 50 to 60 % of my post that has been responded to with such "witty" flavor.
Im gonna go through your post really quick now. Keep in mind my open mistake.
I apoligize.
Preachy: You have no right to judge me as preachy. Flat out. Just get over it. (its almost childish)
Priciples and government: If your priciples drive your application of law and government, you will be governing from ideologies and not reasoning/logic.
Law and government (imo) should be based on real world application, not the theoretical beliefs of what a nation should represent.
Worth protecting: Our nation is worth protecting with out a doubt. Our freedoms and way of life are a cause of envy and hate for many. (as you stated of course.)
However, on that day, we should have learned our freedom wasn't the only thing these terrorist and fundamentalist want to take away/destroy.
Qouted from Milefiles post with cut and paste functions:
Why should the government be allowed to be secretive if it's citizens can't even have privacy? Why is it wrong to have universal healthcare and seatbelt laws because it's unfair to law abiding, hardworking citizens, but it's acceptable to make laws that remove privacy, due process, and essentially throw the constitution out the window at everybody's expense? It is all the same big government breathing down your neck. It is never good, even when you have been conned into being afraid.
-I have privacy.
-Universal healthcare and its pitfalls are a totally different subject.
-Virginia, my proud home and conservative state has mandatory, state wide seat belt laws. All passengers, all times, always on. (more or less)
-...Hardworking,law abiding, constitution, out the window... etc.
-Big brother government...
Literacy: Admittedly, I was hard on you for mistakes in grammar. However, I am more ashamed of the way you called out my obvious lack of any literacy. (I am ashamed
From after this point it fades in terms of what is worth a proper response to...
... remarks....
-Qouted points of mine, flaming and non flaming.
-Non biased thought points...
Clinton was a moderate?
-Ruby Ridge error pointed out.
-Brain size and intellect insults.
-San Fransico comparison remarks. (along with more intellect/brain power/ ability to think stuff)
A qoute for conclusion: (milefile)
In conclusion, you are controlled by fear, so much so that you are blinded to the risks being forced upon us by your willingness to entitle the government to secrecy and unmonitored power; so much so that you risk being exposed for the bumbling idiot you are by posting absolute nonsense and not even trying to make it appear legitimate.
Secrecy and unmonitored power have been with us in the government since day one.
How that power is used? thats a different story.
At this point in time, there is a threat to the United States as well as any other "western" nation with a secular government.
The terrorist wish to destroy everything about our nations including the very people in these places.
Our lives are what they want, not just our economies or freedoms.
-Then once again, its bumbling idiot .... etc.
Then milefile conveyed the idea that I am afraid of something and I don't even realize it.
A fear that only he can see, a fear of my government and a blindness on my behalf .
I must say, thank you for pointing this out. I had no idea I was living in such an oblivious state of mind about our big
(hes not around, its ok) brother...
To be honest, besides the well formated essay/use of qouting, and the expliotation of my own mistake, I would say your post contained almost nothing.
The reasoning behind your opposition of the patriot act and the "ever growing big brother government" was never fully supported besides the use of your priciples above all else.
There is the fundamental difference...
You want to apply your own personal priciples to government, I want to use reasoning/logic along with a basic recognition of what is applicable.
Not what is theoretically the right way to govern.