I've mentioned this in a previous thread but I do feel how you make contact makes a difference , keep braking and keep steering lock on , in other words do your best to avoid the incident and I think the penalty system is ok, it's get it wrong now and again but I used to race in a marshalled league and after incidents the arguments would go on for ages regarding who was at fault, nothing will ever be perfect , the times you loose control then come back on loosing lots of time and then still getting a panelty sucks a bit, but hey , don't looose control, so all in all I think the system in on the right lines just keep tweaking it, as a driver I race hard, try to keep as clean as possible and am starting to care less what my ratings are ( I'm DR-A SR-S ) . Where I think they went wrong is with no progression as to what you race , if people had to start in slow cars and only allowed to enter faster cars once they had worked there way cleanly through online races there might have been more incentive to learn some race crafts which for me is the biggest cause of most incidents , most people just don't know how to race , either offensively or defensively and just being quicker doesn't mean you have a right to just barge your way through, something I see much more when racing against the faster guys sadly .