The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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and lastly Christmas Lights on Speed
Doctor we're losing him, CLEAR!

Good pictures, they look really good. If only I had a better camera, I could keep up with you guys on the pictures and stuff.

emad, that picture of the bus wheel is great, I don't know why but it just appeals to me. :scared: Take more pictures of wheels, lol, they are all very cool. (except '92 taurus SHO rims, hate those)
Here are me latest. The first is my first attempt at a panoramic shot. It's be backyard. I merged the images at the tree in the middle with the blotch of sunlight on the root.

This is a photo some fountains out infront of the arcade at the mall.

Only curves adjustment on the first image. On the second I used curves, levels, and clone.
Because we want it to be the exact way we want it. You capture the image and then manipulate it the way you see fit. You mess with it untill you are pleased with it. A good photographer can take a ****te image and through maniuplation make it very cool.
My sister's boyfriend is a photographer. He has a major in it, and his pictures are amazing. I should show some of his work sometime.
I'm a beginner so go easy.:)


You're improving. Just keep practising and you'll get better.
^^ what he said.

Take my advice too - don't let up on it like I did. If you take a long lapse, it'll take a while to get back up to where you were before. I'm back at square 1 right now because I had to go the past several weeks without any major shots because of school :irked:
I try to take at least 40 pics a week. I don't really care what they are of, as long as I take at least 40 a week. It gives me time to experiment and have fun while doing it. 👍

I've also submitted some stuff do dA so please check it out. :)
Umm... I usually try to have the font size to be half the height of the border's thickness. It's less intrusive but it's still easy for the eye to see. Then have your name/credits in half the size of that font to make it nice and even.

Just play with it till you come up with something that fits your tastes. After all, it is your artwork - not somebody else's :)
Well I did put the opacity to 30%/40% so it would be less intrusive to the whole image, and the color of the title is a light gunmetal color to make it easy on the eyes unlike solid white.

There is a beautiful tiny light peeking over the mountains meeting the blue sky. My proplem is I can only get the shot from my room and my window has lots of bars completely messing up the whole picture. Boo.
Ah nevermind I was able to pull of an OK take. Here it is.

It looks good, but again, I think the title is a little large. It should be smaller and have the same brightness as the lettering in the upper left of the photograh. It doesn't detract from the picture as much if the writing is lighter and smaller.
Ok shot. It looks blurry. Also, the title is too big. I would say not to have a title over 12pt font.
A little constructive criticism, B², If you have a shot of the sky, something needs to be the focal point. The sky in your case is rather bland with some pretty colors. If there is a awe-inspiring cumulonimbus cloud there, that would be better. The focal point in your picture is the silhouette of the tree. When you look at that, you see part of the top part of the tree. It looks like you just carelessly chopped off the bottom part of the top of the palm tree. It makes the picture worse overall. If you captured the silhouette of the top part of the tree (not much of the trunk) against the colorful sky in the corner of the picture, the picture would be better overall.

Just my 2¢.
Uh huh... OK whatever. That was my goal to leave the tree in the corner and let more of the sky in but that's your opinion but I like it.
Uh huh... OK whatever. That was my goal to leave the tree in the corner and let more of the sky in but that's your opinion but I like it.
And I respect your opinion, but I just think that sky is too boring to be the focal point. My eyes are drawn to the Silhiouette of the tree because of the contrast to the sky. When my eyes get there, they're disappointed to see that it isn't the whole top of the palm tree.
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