So I developed my first roll this morning; pretty smooth from a mechanics perspective. Didn't add enough wetting agent so had some dry spots, but on non-keepers anyway.
I scanned the negs this afternoon and wow, totally different look to what the LCS was giving me, and for the better 👍. What it has hammered home is that two things will be important from here on in:
1) Consistency - my agitation was not consistent and I think this has created some variability in image grain
2) Exposure, exposure, exposure! In this roll, some were correctly or over exposed and came out nicely contrasted, other look slightly underexposed and thus a bit flat overall.
I'm still picking apart why some images look like I want, whilst others don't. It's all down to 1 & 2. Anyway, I'll throw some up that I am responding to, even if they may be over/ under in some way.
Bessa R and Voigtlander 35mm SC - Ilford Pan 400