The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
Serious "no terrorist attacks in the eight years before Obama" vibes.
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Given the name and the comment regarding verse meter, I gather that's you?
I did the best I could on short notice... maybe I should've ended with "You can tell he is no Democrat" but the die is cast.

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I always found some Western Christians arguing "Earth is only 4000/5000/6000 years old" really conceited. Just taking a quick gander at history of various cultures (some actually recorded) will tell you that they go well beyond 5000 years, some even go 10,000, easily debunking that idiotic "theory".

Yet they are not a part of the Christian doctrine, so they must be fake... :boggled:

Apologies for my sweeping generalisation, though.
Meanwhile, it's perhaps kind of a shame that this thread seems to have become a dumping ground for the worst right-wing hot takes recently... but if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em:

Meanwhile, it's perhaps kind of a shame that this thread seems to have become a dumping ground for the worst right-wing hot takes recently... but if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em:

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Counter proposal: for every American killed by an American citizen with a gun they bought legally, we should imprison for life a politician who supports no restrictions on gun ownership.

And did you see how Biden immediately threw a bit, Tweeted and called for Ilhan Omar's resignation, threatened her state and constituents and started a campaign to have her thrown out of office, all because she had the audacity to disagree with his policy? Oh, wait, nah, that never happened. But yeah, I can see how it's easy to confuse Biden and Trump.

But if we're going to continue the novel idea of actually discussing an issue and not just linking ridiculous YouTube videos, it's clear that Biden inherited a huge problem at the border due to various policies from last four years of the prior administration. And it's made worse by the ongoing pandemic. No doubt, he'll continue to receive criticism for his miss steps, much of it probably deserved. And I have a vague hope that he'll respond to that criticism by seeking more effective solutions, instead of doubling down on his mistakes.
And did you see how Biden immediately threw a bit, Tweeted and called for Ilhan Omar's resignation, threatened her state and constituents and started a campaign to have her thrown out of office, all because she had the audacity to disagree with his policy? Oh, wait, nah, that never happened. But yeah, I can see how it's easy to confuse Biden and Trump.

But if we're going to continue the novel idea of actually discussing an issue and not just linking ridiculous YouTube videos, it's clear that Biden inherited a huge problem at the border due to various policies from last four years of the prior administration. And it's made worse by the ongoing pandemic. No doubt, he'll continue to receive criticism for his miss steps, much of it probably deserved. And I have a vague hope that he'll respond to that criticism by seeking more effective solutions, instead of doubling down on his mistakes.
You're not going to get any sort of actual argument from VBR. Dude has resorted to sharing content from folks who upload low-brow, ****posting content that easily panders to folks because of how edgy it appears.
I mean, I get it. It's the cartoon/image/meme thread--one shouldn't come here expecting serious debate. But I don't see those as being humorous or rather say, they aren't INTENDED to be humorous. It's a clear political agenda trying to sow discord an create distrust and bitterness. Which, to be fair, is the basis of a lot of political humor. If you take out the humor and replace it with irony. But I also have a personal issue when people post politically biased YouTube videos, without comment. It's like saying, I can't actually explain or back up this issue or these points in my own words, but here, shut off your brain and just watch this video and let it do the thinking for you. THEN you'll understand.
@UKMikey For the record, it never happened. Although, ironically, he DID actually try to force choke the life out of her in Season 1. :dopey:
All I know is that after I got my shot I went out and bought 32 copies of Windows 10 for some reason. Also, I traded in my Android for a Microsoft phone and launched a campaign demanding the rerelease of the Zune. I also donated my life savings to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
You guys are full of it. Although, strangely enough, my phone suddenly switches to 5G, just by me touching it.