The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff



Your post mocks Fox viewers. I said CNN does the same.
I coulda left the last line out but I do think your thread is just another political meme/tweet thread.
How many do we need?
Every thread I go to with anything America related or politics is riddled with memes and tweets. When did memes and tweets become actual news? They didn't, they are just an excuse to go 'heh trumpism'. Why not post some actual news and not talk about stupid twitter responses that are mainly bot posts?
And Famine said GTP hasn't changed...

Literally we've gotten to the point where his pants are "news". Come on y'all...
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Your post mocks Fox viewers. I said CNN does the same.
I coulda left the last line out but I do think your thread is just another political meme/tweet thread.
How many do we need?
Every thread I go to with anything America related or politics is riddled with memes and tweets. When did memes and tweets become actual news? They didn't, they are just an excuse to go 'heh trumpism'. Why not post some actual news and not talk about stupid twitter responses that are mainly bot posts?
And Famine said GTP hasn't changed...
What? this a victimhood thing? These petty grievances of yours are getting increasingly more difficult to decode.


Your post mocks Fox viewers. I said CNN does the same.
I coulda left the last line out but I do think your thread is just another political meme/tweet thread.
How many do we need?
Every thread I go to with anything America related or politics is riddled with memes and tweets. When did memes and tweets become actual news? They didn't, they are just an excuse to go 'heh trumpism'. Why not post some actual news and not talk about stupid twitter responses that are mainly bot posts?
And Famine said GTP hasn't changed...

Literally we've gotten to the point where his pants are "news". Come on y'all...
Perhaps you could provide examples of people posting Twitter bot responses on news threads? And there was a time when Obama's tan suit was news, as I recall.


Your post mocks Fox viewers. I said CNN does the same.
I coulda left the last line out but I do think your thread is just another political meme/tweet thread.
How many do we need?
Every thread I go to with anything America related or politics is riddled with memes and tweets. When did memes and tweets become actual news? They didn't, they are just an excuse to go 'heh trumpism'. Why not post some actual news and not talk about stupid twitter responses that are mainly bot posts?
And Famine said GTP hasn't changed...

Literally we've gotten to the point where his pants are "news". Come on y'all...

Why on Earth are you complaining about tweets and memes in the political cartoon/image/meme thread? The least you could have done is take this complaint to a thread you're actually complaining about.
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The iceberg is antifa.
It's almost fitting.

Please let this be a normal speech/convention/etc.
"With the Trump? No way!"

Take a left at insurrection, take your second right past SARS
on the magic tour bus!
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The iceberg is antifa.
If the iceberg is everyone opposed to Trump then maybe the 10% above the surface is apt. It sounds more to me like the iceberg could be the global pandemic and the penguins are the Chinese though (although an arctic iceberg might've been more likely to have been brought by woke Coke polar bears).
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Your post mocks Fox viewers.
No, it mocks people who are taken in by propaganda who then accost people they perceive to be the enemy. These aggressions may be in person or over social media; verbal or physical.

Fox News beats their culture war drums to whip its base to act. Now this action they're inciting may not be inherently harmful--it may be as innocuous as supporting a particular individual or group through monetary contributions--and it's actually protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, meaning that anyone who seeks to hold Fox News or any other entity to account must reasonably demonstrate that action was incited by said entity and was both imminent and unlawful. This is a high standard and it's so very important.

Instead of telling people that they overthink things, you might consider taking a moment to think, critically, before you get triggered and accost someone.

I said CNN does the same.
No you didn't. You said CNN tells me what you think.

That's what was so puzzling to me. See, CNN doesn't tell me what anyone thinks. CNN doesn't tell me anything at all. No cable media outlet does. You tell me what you often nonsensical rants such as the second recent example that was so puzzling to me.
Ya, I'll take the Greatest Generation over Boomers any day. The Greatest Generation survived (and "won") two world wars, a major war in Korea, and a depression. It makes you wonder how they managed to raise such self-entitled kids.
If this is parody, it's some of the most convincing I've ever seen. If it isn't, well, yikes.
The fact that it is a parody and it's so convincing is what is really worrying about it.


Also, in light of Utah going dry:


Toto intensifies.

You asked for it... (includes my most popular YouTube comment ever :D)

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