I think you may have missed the point. I'm not arguing that train derailments themselves are a particularly emerging problem. But it's undeniable that the Ohio derailment was exceptional and has the potential to be one of the worst ecological disasters in the US in recent years, and the chances of this happening could have been averted sans the DoT listening to lobbyists over rail industry experts and the workers themselves.With regard to the train accidents, things have actually gotten much, much better over the past 20 years.
In 2000, there were nearly 17,000 rail incidents and 2,100 derailments. In 2022, there were just under 9,000 rail incidents and 1,044 derailments. [source]
Even with 1,044 derailments a year, that's nearly 3 per day. So while yes, derailments are making news at the moment, they aren't uncommon or something we should be overly worried about. However, it seems like the people who post absolute BS on Facebook can't be bothered to look at statistics and are claiming the government is suddenly derailing all the trains. Given the number of derailments that happen per year, I don't think trains need any help jumping the tracks.
bUt ThE dEmAnDs Of CaPiTaLiSm!¡!With regard to the train accidents, things have actually gotten much, much better over the past 20 years.
In 2000, there were nearly 17,000 rail incidents and 2,100 derailments. In 2022, there were just under 9,000 rail incidents and 1,044 derailments. [source]
Even with 1,044 derailments a year, that's nearly 3 per day. So while yes, derailments are making news at the moment, they aren't uncommon or something we should be overly worried about. However, it seems like the people who post absolute BS on Facebook can't be bothered to look at statistics and are claiming the government is suddenly derailing all the trains. Given the number of derailments that happen per year, I don't think trains need any help jumping the tracks.
I will concede that the image summed it up using vague, cliched language, but are you really going to deny that rail-industry lobbying to the tune of over $6,000,000 for deregulation of a once common-sense rule and Norfolk Southern's countless examples of greed could have possibly be played a role in this particular derailment?bUt ThE dEmAnDs Of CaPiTaLiSm!¡!
I probably should've quoted the picture, but I was mainly talking about the picture with Skinner. There's a not-so-insignificant number of people at the moment who think that the government is purposely derailing trains to distract us from whatever it is they're trying to distract us from. It's quickly becoming a conspiracy theory that both people on the left and right are buying into, and it's kind of ridiculous.I think you may have missed the point. I'm not arguing that train derailments themselves are a particularly emerging problem. But it's undeniable that the Ohio derailment was exceptional and has the potential to be one of the worst ecological disasters in the US in recent years, and the chances of this happening could have been averted sans the DoT listening to lobbyists over rail industry experts and the workers themselves.
Gotcha. I'm probably a bit biased but I've seen almost exclusively Republicans who've latched on to the belief that the disaster is some kind of government psy-op.I probably should've quoted the picture, but I was mainly talking about the picture with Skinner. There's a not-so-insignificant number of people at the moment who think that the government is purposely derailing trains to distract us from whatever it is they're trying to distract us from. It's quickly becoming a conspiracy theory that both people on the left and right are buying into, and it's kind of ridiculous.
The reality is, trains have gotten much safer over the years, despite both Democrats and Republicans doing their best to turn a blind eye to what's going on. I don't believe there's malicious intent here either, but rather a combination of grossly incompetent politicians and government meddling where government meddling doesn't belong. The rail workers should've absolutely been allowed to strike since one of their biggest demands was safer working conditions. But politicians freaked out because it was right before the holidays and more or less told the rail workers to shut up and...uhhh...engineer?
+Jews and combat mosquitos
And the sad thing is regardless of how moronic it is, his idea of pay to post/view is going to spread to all social media companies because they see one person trying it and they can't miss out on their realization!
Care to elaborate?combat mosquitos
GIYF.Care to elaborate?
Not sure what to say. I wasn't aware they made that claim too, because something similar floated around here in the summer and I didn't see any reporting in the English speaking world. Guess we're not alone.GIYF.
"Combat mosquitoes" follow "dirty bomb": Russian representative to UN tells more frenzy lies
ALONA MAZURENKO - FRIDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2022, 18:17 Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, has said that the Russian occupiers allegedly discovered drones in Ukraine that can "spread mosquitoes infected with dangerous viruses.news.yahoo.com