The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
Being butthurt that your guy lost isn't justification for insurrection. Neither is being butthurt that you lost justification for inciting seizure of government.
I don't believe there's anything stopping a convicted and incarcerated presidential nominee for running for president, so no right of choice is being stolen from the far right community.
There is not. The only disqualification is under 14A Section 3 and that would require a relevant conviction followed by appropriate due process:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

In fact the discussion at the moment is not "can Trump be President in prison" (yes) but "can a President in prison pardon themselves" (no-one knows, as it's not something anyone ever thought would happen so there's no provision for it... but probably not).
Don't recall if this has been posted before..

There is not. The only disqualification is under 14A Section 3 and that would require a relevant conviction followed by appropriate due process:

A conviction would be a logical way to establish that. But I'm not sure it's the only way. I would imagine the next logical option would be congress establishing it.
Nothing wrong with being Russian, I am fine. There were some xenophobes at first(understandable), but much better now.
I was banned right after raising the xenophobia topic.
About hatred against not just Putin (I don't give a **** about him) but also ordinary Ivan, Tver city. And some certain individuals (not going to point a finger) reacted like "Yeah, and what's bad about it?".

Also remember those "NAFO" clowns who mocked a Russian guy (who left RF a long time ago and wasn't a Kremlin supporter) being eaten by a shark in Egypt. Such people are too stupid to realize they're helping the Russian propaganda, doing the job even better than Simonyan, Skabeeva and others.

It was also funny to read about that Estonian PM (who also prased "NAFO") pushing the narrive about "Russian people guilty, they must repent, and pay, and ****, and blah blah blah" while her husband owned a part of business working with Russia.


Biden hasn't tried to kill an entire ethnic group (he hasn't tried much of anything), whereas the Russians are trying to actively kill Ukrainians.
Wow, so you're one of those who believe Russia's goal is to "kill all Ukrainians"?
If so, then Russia would have to exterminate around 800k of its own people who identify as Ukrainians, no?

Not to mention the Russian controlled areas of the territory the so-called international community calls Ukraine. What are Russians doing in ruined Mariupol, for example? Locking the local people into death camps with gas chambers? No, they're building new houses, schools, hospitals and other infrastructure. Bastards! And moreover, they're teaching children Ukrainian language (if they want to) in those schools. That's real genocide!

I remember you also made a nonsense claim that Russia did genocide in Chechnya and Georgia (we haven't finished about it), although there are still Chechnya, Chechens and Chechen language existing within RF, and Georgia still exists as an independent country. How? What kind of "genocide" is it?

And the best part is I can say that without ending up in Siberia or having my entire family line brutally murdered.
Ha-ha, you still have that Cold War era playbook about any Russians who even think something different from their leaders getting sent to "GULAG" in Siberia. 😁

Russia is probably a freer country than some EU members (particularly East European, such as Czechia and Latvia) where you can get arrested and imprisoned after even speaking against Ukraine, not fined or given a "foreign agent" status like in Russia.

And what's wrong with Utkin's tattoos? They're Nazi symbols and both my wife and son are Jewish. I'm not so keen on Nazis, people who support Nazism, or people who brand themselves with Nazi insignias.
...but you support Ukraine that glorifies the SS Galizien division on state level, and other Nazi war criminals - like Roman Shukhevych, an officer of Abwehr's Nachtigall batallion that directly took part in Holocaust in Lviv in July 1941, when thousands of your wife and son's tribesmen were killed in that event alone. Such "glorious" man was awarded a title of "Hero of Ukraine" in 2007, and in 2019, Zelensky's administration (oh Jewish president!) had confirmed that this award is still actual. How are you, fine with this?

Ukrainians had real heroes to be proud of - such as Ivan Kozhedub (the top scoring WWII ace of the Allies who took down 64 confirmed Nazi birds) and Sidor Kovpak (the famous commander of partisan movement in German-occupied Ukraine). But instead, their state chose the Nazi-serving scumbags as idols to worship and build the national identity around. Which is another (but not the only) reason why I'm NOT taking its side.

Also, I tend to notice that people who comment about countless AFU soldiers with Waffen-SS symbols (so many that even Western media can't avoid filming some by accident) like "But it doesn't mean they're all Nazis!" happen to be the same people who say "Look at this photo of Utkin's tattoos, that means all Wagners are Nazis!!".

For as much as you love your dear leader
What a primitive way of thought, "you don't support Ukraine = you love Putin".
I already told that I would like to have someone younger and more competent than Vladimir Vladimirovich in the president chair. Oh no, I'm going to end up in Siberia, and get thrown out of window after being poisoned, and shot twice in back while falling, after saying this! (Did I forget anything? Uhm, have family murdered? What else does your playbook say?)

I'd prefer an energetic, moderately nationalist leader who would both respect human rights AND fight corruption, thus making our army more effective, yes.

I'm a bit curious why you haven't volunteered to go to the front lines yet. Or are you being a draft-dodging coward?
That was a predictable question, and I'm not dodging anything (draft, or this question).
Back when I graduated from the university, I wasn't drafted for conscript service because of my health condition. So, when the partial mobilization started in September 2022, my local voenkomat (military recruitment office) wasn't interested in me, because they looked for people with military experience (who already served and have a specialty). Moreover, at that time I was working as an engineer in a state-owned pharma company, which reserves its employees from draft. My country needed me to make medicine for cancer treatment.

So - no, I'm not hiding from anyone, I live my life in Moscow like before. And I'm not any worse than those brave Ukrainian patriots who fled their country to EU and now bravely harass the local Russians (tourists and residents) instead of joining their comrades in a burning Bradley near Robotyne. Unfortunately for these people, they still have a chance to do so - Ukraine, which is in desperate need for cannon fodder and drafts nearly all men with two arms and two legs, now wants Poland to extradite male refugees of conscript age so they can join the mighty AFU. And Poland may be glad to help (but it needs some legal mechanism to do so).

you should probably get off your ass and pick up some WWII Mosin–Nagant to join your comrades in the field. Maybe you'll get lucky and won't have to dig trenches in Pripyat.
Ha-ha, that propaganda copium hit you hard, I see.
Are you trying to say that mighty Ukrainian army, equipped with super-modern NATO weaponry, still can't break a defense line held by poor Russian draftees with ancient bolt-action rifles?

Not to mention that you seem to think there's a frontline in Pripyat...
But if you support the war and think Russia's genocidal cause is just
No need to demonize me by "you support the war!" like I wanted it to happen or like Putin asked me before starting this thing.
What I think about it (whether it's just or not, whether we are right or wrong) is none of your concern.

The war is happening regardless of what I think. That's the reality we live in. If there is some peace solution that would satisfy both Russia and Ukraine, I'd be fine with it. But Ukraine banned itself from peace negotiations, so it leaves Russia one of two options: victory or defeat. Naturally, I'm not interested in the latter. Vae victis.

Remember when the US invaded Iraq, were there many Americans who opposed the invasion? Yes. But did they wish defeat for their country? Did they want as many American soldiers as possible to come back in bags? Did they express support for Saddam Hussein's regime and want him to win? I think not. Think about it, and maybe you'll understand me a bit better.
If there is some peace solution that would satisfy both Russia and Ukraine, I'd be fine with it. But Ukraine banned itself from peace negotiations, so it leaves Russia one of two options: victory or defeat. Naturally, I'm not interested in the latter.
Option 2 is "get the **** out of another country's territory". If Russia isn't satisfied by that (or you're not interested in it), tough.
Remember when the US invaded Iraq, were there many Americans who opposed the invasion? Yes. But did they wish defeat for their country? Did they want as many American soldiers as possible to come back in bags? Did they express support for Saddam Hussein's regime and want him to win? I think not. Think about it, and maybe you'll understand me a bit better.

Ukraine, so, so similar to Iraq. Almost the same exact circumstance except for... well... just about all of the circumstance.
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Which proves my point. Instead of co-optation of far righters and deradicalization, US trying to put in jail their leader. You can argue that I dont understand US legal processes, but neither do Trump electorate.
There is no "co-optation and deradicalization" of terrorists. There is only giving in to the demands of terrorists, and giving in to the demands of terrorists isn't strong motivation for terrorists to stop being terrorists.

I honestly couldn't give the furry crack of a rat's ass what you or any worthless Trumper (the Department of Redundancy Department approves) understands of legal processes. What they understand is of no consequence anyway--the vermin disregarded legal processes entirely when they perpetrated acts of terror in order to have their soft bitch god-king anointed president against the will of the majority of the voting public.

There's literally a phone conversation recorded of Trump telling someone in Georgia to "find" thousands of votes...
Not someone, but rather Georgia's Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, the state's top election official. Also not telling, as the soft bitch actually threatened criminal prosecution of Raffensperger for failure to perpetrate the illegal act of falsifying the vote count to the tune of 11,780 votes, a number that the bitch stated explicitly was one greater than the margin of defeat in the state.
I wasn't drafted for conscript service because of my health condition.
One needn't be a conscript to be a combatant.
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Wow, so you're one of those who believe Russia's goal is to "kill all Ukrainians"?
If so, then Russia would have to exterminate around 800k of its own people who identify as Ukrainians, no?
If they're not trying to kill all Ukrainians, they're doing a really piss poor job of avoiding it. Your country is literally engaging civilian structures and killing noncombatants indiscriminately.
Not to mention the Russian controlled areas of the territory the so-called international community calls Ukraine. What are Russians doing in ruined Mariupol, for example? Locking the local people into death camps with gas chambers? No, they're building new houses, schools, hospitals and other infrastructure. Bastards! And moreover, they're teaching children Ukrainian language (if they want to) in those schools. That's real genocide!
The Russians are doing that in Mariupol because they're allegedly going to relocate Russians there to settle it.
I remember you also made a nonsense claim that Russia did genocide in Chechnya and Georgia (we haven't finished about it), although there are still Chechnya, Chechens and Chechen language existing within RF, and Georgia still exists as an independent country. How? What kind of "genocide" is it?
It's not false, it's that you're so blinded by your own BS that you don't see that there was genocide in Chechnya and Georgia. I really can't help you if you outright deny history.

Also, you do realize that even with genocide groups still exist right? There are still Jewish people in Germany. It doesn't make the Holocaust any less of a genocide.
...but you support Ukraine that glorifies the SS Galizien division on state level, and other Nazi war criminals - like Roman Shukhevych, an officer of Abwehr's Nachtigall batallion that directly took part in Holocaust in Lviv in July 1941, when thousands of your wife and son's tribesmen were killed in that event alone. Such "glorious" man was awarded a title of "Hero of Ukraine" in 2007, and in 2019, Zelensky's administration (oh Jewish president!) had confirmed that this award is still actual. How are you, fine with this?

Ukrainians had real heroes to be proud of - such as Ivan Kozhedub (the top scoring WWII ace of the Allies who took down 64 confirmed Nazi birds) and Sidor Kovpak (the famous commander of partisan movement in German-occupied Ukraine). But instead, their state chose the Nazi-serving scumbags as idols to worship and build the national identity around. Which is another (but not the only) reason why I'm NOT taking its side.

Also, I tend to notice that people who comment about countless AFU soldiers with Waffen-SS symbols (so many that even Western media can't avoid filming some by accident) like "But it doesn't mean they're all Nazis!" happen to be the same people who say "Look at this photo of Utkin's tattoos, that means all Wagners are Nazis!!".
I don't support Ukraine and I'm not fine with supporting Nazis, so I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Ukraine has problems, lots of problems, and was only just starting to get cleaned up before Russia invaded (remember when you told us Russia wouldn't invade? Pepperidge Farm remembers). Do I support Ukraine in the war? Yes because they aren't the bad guys here. They had internal problems that needed to be dealt with if they were going to join the EU or NATO, but they were Ukraine's internal problems. They didn't need Russia to intervene, especially when Russia doesn't have casus belli.

So no, I don't support Ukraine the country, nor do I support Nazis. I do support a country's right to be sovereign and a civilian population's right not to be killed en masse.
What a primitive way of thought, "you don't support Ukraine = you love Putin".
Nah, it's not "you don't support Ukraine you must love Putin". It's that you've continuously parroted Putin's BS and showed that you do support him on some level.
Ha-ha, that propaganda copium hit you hard, I see.
Are you trying to say that mighty Ukrainian army, equipped with super-modern NATO weaponry, still can't break a defense line held by poor Russian draftees with ancient bolt-action rifles?

Not to mention that you seem to think there's a frontline in Pripyat...
See the Ukrainians aren't indiscriminately targeting everything, unlike the Russians. If they just went full scorched Earth, they'd massacre the Russian military. But because they're not doing this and they're being more targeted in their approach, they haven't fully broken the defense line. Although given that Russia is supposedly a military superpower, they've done a really terrible job fighting a smaller military with far less combat experience. Hell, Russian planes are getting blown up by Canadian cardboard.

I didn't say there was a frontline in Pripyat either. I said hopefully you're lucky and won't have to dig trenches. After all, you're mind-numbingly stupid military commanders had soldiers dig trenches in the Red Forrest.
No need to demonize me by "you support the war!" like I wanted it to happen or like Putin asked me before starting this thing.
What I think about it (whether it's just or not, whether we are right or wrong) is none of your concern.

The war is happening regardless of what I think. That's the reality we live in. If there is some peace solution that would satisfy both Russia and Ukraine, I'd be fine with it. But Ukraine banned itself from peace negotiations, so it leaves Russia one of two options: victory or defeat. Naturally, I'm not interested in the latter. Vae victis.

Remember when the US invaded Iraq, were there many Americans who opposed the invasion? Yes. But did they wish defeat for their country? Did they want as many American soldiers as possible to come back in bags? Did they express support for Saddam Hussein's regime and want him to win? I think not. Think about it, and maybe you'll understand me a bit better.
I know what you think about the war since you've talked about it numerous times, so ya, I'm going to demonize you over it. I demonize people who support genocide and fascism on any level.

Also, you really have no idea about America and Iraq because millions of people wanted America to lose and didn't care that soldiers were coming back in body bags.

Also, you do realize that even with genocide groups still exist right? There are still Jewish people in Germany. It doesn't make the Holocaust any less of a genocide.
Big "racism isn't real because there are successful 'blacks'" energy.
This whole UK Concrete thing is so crazy. You can't blame any one person. It's been widely known this has been a problem for years.

When I was in Comprehensive (High School) For the 4 years I was there it was literally forbidden to pin or attach stuff to the walls due to Asbestos in the walls and crumbling plaster. The main old building was over 100 years old and they just didn't want to invest to make it safe.

The "new" building was built in the mid seventies so I'm almost 100% positive it is built from RAAC.

What a ****hole.
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Hard to know which part of the island you're describing.
I made it clear what I was describing. My part of the "Island" Is very beautiful and I'm very proud of it thank you very much...
I find everything about this tweet Xitter post hilarious. Did they design the key frame to embarrass Kimberly? Given that she's engaged to Donald Trump Jr., I'm not sure she's capable of being embarrassed.

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