The problem is...

  • Thread starter milefile
Radical militant Islam. For all you morons who will read that as "all muslims are terrorists", here is the disclamer: stop being stupid.

They kill in Indonesia. The kill in India. They kill in Kasmir. They kill in Spain. They kill in Russia and Chechnya. They kill in Sudan. They kill in Israel. They kill in America. They kill in Iraq. They kill in Pakistand and Afganistan. They kill. They are killers.

Ha. The religion of peace. Do female suicide bombers get dark haired virgins in heaven too?
Interesting you should mention this. On the first day of my history class, my teacher assigned us to do a visual on the most important international issue at the moment… I chose "Radicalism" (with the implication of "religious radicalism", and considering that almost everything on my visual had to do with Middle East conflicts and terrorism, a further implication would be Islamic radicalism). Islam seems to be going through the same problem that Christianity had some hundreds of years ago (I'm being intentionally vague, since I'm not a history-type of person), in that killing is being done in the name of their God.

The day the world starts getting close to world peace is the day people stop killing each other over religion.
"Morons" and "stupid"...come on, I thought we weren't going to namecall anymore?
It wasn't directed at a specific person, so it wasn't a personal attack.
It wasn't directed at a specific person, so it wasn't a personal attack.
Yeah but it was still name-calling. I know it wasn't directed at anyone, but when one person starts using those words, more and more people start to do it and soon it is directed at someone.
And when it is directed at someone, report it to a moderator, and we'll take care of it.
The day the world starts getting close to world peace is the day people stop killing each other over religion.

and BLAAMO!!!! he hit the nail on the head. that's why i choose not to participate in ANY organized religion. Religion has been the cause for nearly every major war ever. You know, the movie Dogma should be taken WAY more seriously.
Couldn't agree more, it seem to be nothing but these crazy Islams that are getting to everyone. Now I know that a true Islamic person would tell me that there religion is based on peace, which I would have to agree many of the observe. But you get these crazy ones that think killing innocent people will get them in to heaven or where ever they go.

But every religion has their wackos. Catholics have their priest who like little boys, I mean sure its not killing someone, but its just as sick.
I don't view those terrorists as being muslims. They call themselves that, but they break just about every one of the "commandments" of our religion when they go out and kill innocent people for what they do.

it REALLY sucks that 1 group of people is making life difficult for the rest of us Muslims :irked:. My dad got 3 years over a crime he didn't commit because judges in texas were told to be harder on Muslims. My dad was the first to be hit by that... luckily the FBI intervened and his sentence to 1.5. Unfortunately, they didn't investigate the other matters pertaining to his innocence... Plus the investigation and paperwork took most of that time

oh, and mile, I find some of what you said to be highly offensive dude. Mostly because the "They are killers." part of your post makes it seem as though you are calling all muslims killers
Well I'm sorry you see it that way but look at whats going on in the world. Not all Muslims are bad, I know that, but there are a bunch out there that are hell bent on killing.

"They are killers." part of your post makes it seem as though you are calling all muslims killers

and this can be answered with this now that I look...well in a blunt way though

Radical militant Islam. For all you morons who will read that as "all muslims are terrorists", here is the disclamer: stop being stupid.
First of all 87chevy thats about the dumbist thing i have ever heard.
And today many Islamic people are just peaceful but sorry to say this but Islam was not founded on peace. Jihads have been going on since the very begining and i dont know if its still taught but in the past anyone who converted to another faith was killed.
sorry to say this but Islam was not founded on peace. Jihads have been going on since the very begining and i dont know if its still taught but in the past anyone who converted to another faith was killed.
EXCUSE ME? You should brush up on your history before you post something that rash. Islam DID have a massive empire which spread through war, but at no time during the period of the empire was anybody forced to convert or follow a specific religion. By allowing people of all religions to stay in the empire and allowing free trade within the provinces of it, the empire was prosperous both economically and in the advancement of knowledge. The only reason for the title Muslim Empire is because it was run by a dynasty of Muslim rulers for the entire length of time it was in existence.

If you want a group of people in the past that killed those who didn't convert, look up the Reconquista

Face it, there are radical followers in every religion. If it's not religion, then it's a group of people that are strongly determined to their cause and willing to go to extreme measures to support their cause. Right now, it's Muslims recieving the most attention. I'll admit, the number of radical Muslims is rediculously high, but you also gotta remember that muslims comprise something like 25% of the world's population. If you consider that, then yea, the small percentage of violent psychos is a huge number of people.

Not all Muslims are terrorists... and not all terrorists are Muslims.
Ya I didn't think that Islam was found on war, they were found more on peace. I mean its religion, all religion...well world religions promote peace even though some don't follow that.
Not all Muslims are terrorists... and not all terrorists are Muslims.

Not all Muslims are terrorist...agreed

Not all terrorist are Muslims...well not all of them but a majority of the ones attacking the USA are.
I re-read your statement and you said " For all you morons who will read that as "all muslims are terrorists", here is the disclamer: stop being stupid."

I'm assuming that means all people who think muslims are terrorists are stupid right? No harm done in that statement, if I'm understanding properly. :P
I don't view those terrorists as being muslims. They call themselves that, but they break just about every one of the "commandments" of our religion when they go out and kill innocent people for what they do.

it REALLY sucks that 1 group of people is making life difficult for the rest of us Muslims :irked:.
Then why aren't you doing anything about it?

oh, and mile, I find some of what you said to be highly offensive dude. Mostly because the "They are killers." part of your post makes it seem as though you are calling all muslims killers
EXCUSE ME? You should brush up on your history before you post something that rash. Islam DID have a massive empire which spread through war, but at no time during the period of the empire was anybody forced to convert or follow a specific religion.
Actually the Koran states all non-muslims must be converted, killed, or taxed.
All major religions promote peace. Ecxept peace with each other. "thou shalt not kill, unless the killing is of someone who does not believe in the same invisible man." - george carlin.

sorry, i think i needed to say something stupid and unneeded.
First of all I do know my history.
And today most Muslims are peaceful but no Islam was not Initialy a peaceful religon, and those who still follow their faith like that belive that their should only be 1 world government and that it should be muslim and the all other governments are evil and have no right to exist. Belive me I have read on the subject.

I am not saying all Muslims are terrorist
I am not saying most Muslims are terrorist
I am not saying mainstream Islam still practices this stuff.
Where in the Quran did you get this from? I'd really like to see that for myself
I can't find the exact part about taxes I was thinking of. But here are some teachings from the practitioners of the religion of peace:

And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!

O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah, but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully; and Allah makes you cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and to Allah is the eventual coming.

Those are they whose works shall become null in this world as well as the hereafter, and they shall have no helpers. (regarding Jews and Christians)

And when you journey in the earth, there is no blame on you if you shorten the prayer, if you fear that those who disbelieve will cause you distress, surely the unbelievers are your open enemy.

This -- taste it, and (know) that for the unbelievers is the chastisement of fire.

Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace, and assist you against them and heal the hearts of a believing people.

Believers, do not make friends with any but your own people...They desire nothing but your ruin....You believe in the entire Book...When they meet you they say: 'We, too, are believers.' But when alone, they bite their finger-tips with rage.

Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme.

Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends.

Believers, when you encounter the infidels on the march, do not turn your backs to them in flight. If anyone on that day turns his back to them, except it be for tactical reasons...he shall incur the wrath of God and Hell shall be his home.

Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme.

Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home.
and BLAAMO!!!! he hit the nail on the head. that's why i choose not to participate in ANY organized religion. Religion has been the cause for nearly every major war ever. You know, the movie Dogma should be taken WAY more seriously.

War of Independence -- caused by secession of the colonies
War of 1812 -- caused by the British
Civil War -- caused by slavery
WWI -- caused by an assassination
WWII -- caused by hitlar invading countries to take over the world
Korean War -- caused by spearding communism
Vietnam War -- caused by spearding communism
Desert Storm -- caused by Sadams invasion
Iraqi Freedom -- cause debated

WOW a you're right!!!
War of Independence -- caused by secession of the colonies
War of 1812 -- caused by the British
Civil War -- caused by slavery
WWI -- caused by an assassination
WWII -- caused by hitlar invading countries to take over the world
Korean War -- caused by spearding communism
Vietnam War -- caused by spearding communism
Desert Storm -- caused by Sadams invasion
Iraqi Freedom -- cause debated

WOW a you're right!!!

Well I'm not sure if I can trust the facts of someone who can't spell Hitler :P One of the most infamous dictators of all time. I doubt your cause of WWI... see article

While WWII was triggered by the invasion oof Poland, it was the worlds revulsion at Hitlers systematic extermination of the Jews that created the largest alliance to date.
"spearding"?? not sure if those are the reasons for those wars ;)
And Iraqi Freedom..ok the cause is still being debated..oil, finishing what your father started etc...but in the UK we found the killing and oppresion of the Kurds by chemical attack the last straw (religion again)

Don't forget our own blo0dy past, with the crusades (Lord forgive us we slaughtered millions 👎 ), the IRA conflicts (Protestants vs Catholics) the unrest in the middle east between Israli Jews and Muslims etc..
Religion can breed hatred, and IS the cause of much bloodshed.
War of Independence -- caused by secession of the colonies
War of 1812 -- caused by the British
Civil War -- caused by slavery
WWI -- caused by an assassination
WWII -- caused by hitlar invading countries to take over the world
Korean War -- caused by spearding communism
Vietnam War -- caused by spearding communism
Desert Storm -- caused by Sadams invasion
Iraqi Freedom -- cause debated

WOW a you're right!!!

WOW you can't be taken seriously if you think that's what the Civil War was about. sorry, read a ****ing History Book!!!! Oh and the fact that you mispelled one of the most infamous names in History. I've never seen anyone mispell that before :lol:

[edit] oh, and the trigger of a war, is not the cause in many cases, simply the 'final straw' so to speak.
Actually according to the history books the Civil War started because Lincoln became president if 9th grade history serves me right.
The causes of the Civil War had been simmering for at least fifty years. Slavery was one reason, as was the Manifest Destiny and the economy.
You pointing out my spelling erroes just proved you coulden't come up with anything worth saying.
And the Civil war started because Lincoln was elected president and he was anti-slavery.
The use of the F word before history book proves you're stupid.
Hitler went after the Jews because he needed something to blame the state of germany was in since WWI but this wasn't even a factor in the start of WWII, it was invasions of other countries.
And I dare you to show me how religon started any of these wars.

P.S. May the one of you who has not made a spelling error in any post on any forum throw the first stone.