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Do you have Twin Ring Motegi?

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Buy a go pro for £300 and mount it on your helmet. But I think you can buy special mounts for mobile phones so you could do it that way
or duck tape an existing camera on. My ideas cheaper by a few hundred quid
Good idea, or you can lodge your phone into the helmet. Between the spongy bit and your face. Vision may be compromised somewhat though.

Sooo its duck tape, or camera in helmet and crash and die and burn :D
This you'd best remove me from the OP. I'm always so tired on a wednesday after swimming but we may be going other days sometimes so I'll keep an eye on the thread 👍


What do you think? :)
He thinks its cool. I think its stupid and if he wants to do it, let him. I have nothing to do with people that do drugs. Its pathetic in my opinion. Immature if anything.
He thinks its cool. I think its stupid and if he wants to do it, let him. I have nothing to do with people that do drugs. Its pathetic in my opinion. Immature if anything.

:embarrassed: Ellis speaking sense!?! Are you feeling ok? :lol: but in all seriousness I completely agree.
I'm eccentric as hell but drugs are something I draw the line at. Social or not. Its not cool. Just because a rapper does it and he's omg he's cool I wondoittoo doesn't mean its justified.

Fool him I say.
Don't worry Ellis, hopefully he will wake up one day and wonder what the fu** he is doing to his life and body.

One of my friends nearly died from taking too much Mandy, he was at a festival and stumbled out the gates onto a main road. He was hallucinating badly and so nearly stumbled in front of a bus, if it wasn't for the security on the gate who managed to catch him, he would have been a bloody mess plastered to the bus. Needless to say he hasn't touched any since.

If ferg reads this he still won't think twice about taking it, he will probably still just think "meh, what's the worst that could happen".
Let's hope it doesn't take an experience like that or worse to make him stop.
He thinks its funny though. He's in bloody Lala land. He will learn one way or another.
*goes over to say happy b-day to Ellis then runs back* the stuff modern society does with gangs and rap is complete garbage especially Mexico and South where those drugs come from, now if we had a traditional peace pipe its clean, lowers stress levels and safe
Seriously guys Mary used to be legal it's not even that bad and doctors prescribe it to patients as anti depressants. I'm not really addicted it's just a thing me and a few mates do every couple of weeks. It's a laugh and you'll all do it someday, well maybe not Ben.

In other terms welcome back Brett and Happy muffday ellis! x
I love how sweaty Ben's signature is. He's crammed it with all his sweaty championships. :lol:

Then you look at Indy's and they have all finished :lol:
Ferg, it seems you're under the impression were all younger than you, were not, so you can't say, "you'll all do it one day" :) and at least playing on my ps3 won't affect my health ;)
I don't understand the correlation between fergs age and your signiture but whatever :lol: the fact you have that many is very pourous. Mines simple as hell :lol: