So as of right now, I am faced with a dilemma regarding membership. I have thought of two options.
Option 1) Keep it the way it is. Send an application, get accepted, and be expected to join sessions on a reasonable basis. Nothing new.
Option 2) Get rid of official membership and put you guys (the ones who commonly joined our FH3 sessions) on a "usual people" list. That list would basically be those who actively join our lobbies (again, you guys) and would be allowed to host rooms. It also means there will be no "obligation" (if you could call it that) to join lobbies. The only requirement to participate would be a GTPlanet account. My hope is that this would be less intimidating than having to become a full-time member and complete and application, in an effort to get more people on board.
I don't think things are going to change radically if we go with option 2 anyways (unless we get a massive influx of new folks) because you guys know how the Forza section of GTP is compared to how the GTS/6/5 sections are. It's more calm and mature in my eyes, and we don't need to keep a constant watch on people unlike the Gran Turismo days.
What's your take?