- 3,164
- spyrrari
If GTA08 is anything to go by the top 20 will first recieve a phone call inviting them to the National Finals. This is then folllowed by an E-mail acting as a fromal invite. If you accept the invite you will then recieve a GTA infromation pack which will contain a congratulations letter, confirmation letter, legal disclaimer, medical form, profile qustionaire form and the terms and conditions document.
All relevant documents have to be completed and signed and returned to them by a specific date allowing them time to deal with any problems before the competition.
You are also asked to bring to the national finals, your drivers licence and passport or another form of indentity which is checked before the competition.
If any driver declines the invite or are found to be ineligable then it will be passed down to the next driver.
I believe they have everything covered. 👍
Yeah,this is exactly how things went here in Holland aswell,they are very precise and double check just about evrything!
There were several guys who tried to get in using a fake driverslicence and others who had threir toptimes being driven by someone else(faster)and so got into the finals....=epic fail to all of them....the ones who tried to get in via falsefied papers were blacklisted and are never to attend any sort of racing contest again,the guy who had someone else get him into the finals,whas 5 seconds a lap slower than anybody else...
There were even more things that hapened,but my memory fails me at the moment(after christmass hangover i guess...lol),
Anyway,just make sure you put in your very best effort untill the last day of this contest and there will be a good chance you will make it,even not being in,but close to the top 20!!!