*The Realisation T20 is out of your reach

  • Thread starter GTP_rpm
If GTA08 is anything to go by the top 20 will first recieve a phone call inviting them to the National Finals. This is then folllowed by an E-mail acting as a fromal invite. If you accept the invite you will then recieve a GTA infromation pack which will contain a congratulations letter, confirmation letter, legal disclaimer, medical form, profile qustionaire form and the terms and conditions document.

All relevant documents have to be completed and signed and returned to them by a specific date allowing them time to deal with any problems before the competition.

You are also asked to bring to the national finals, your drivers licence and passport or another form of indentity which is checked before the competition.

If any driver declines the invite or are found to be ineligable then it will be passed down to the next driver.

I believe they have everything covered. 👍

Yeah,this is exactly how things went here in Holland aswell,they are very precise and double check just about evrything!
There were several guys who tried to get in using a fake driverslicence and others who had threir toptimes being driven by someone else(faster)and so got into the finals....=epic fail to all of them....the ones who tried to get in via falsefied papers were blacklisted and are never to attend any sort of racing contest again,the guy who had someone else get him into the finals,whas 5 seconds a lap slower than anybody else...

There were even more things that hapened,but my memory fails me at the moment(after christmass hangover i guess...lol),

Anyway,just make sure you put in your very best effort untill the last day of this contest and there will be a good chance you will make it,even not being in,but close to the top 20!!!

Thank you for the support, carrot and stick wise, chaps.

I was just demotivated after an hour session improving by a 0.1xx in Tuned but still stayed outside of T20. I won't give up...I'm just going to give it a little bit of a break as there is still 20+ days remaining!

Stpuidly, the guy who won our rFactor league I race in called Tricky, has never owned a PlayStation or a copy of GT in his life. I told him of the competition and on Boxing Day he went out and sourced a PS3, downloaded GT5 Demo, signed upto PSN and in two days is 47th...ooops!

As for those being allowed to compete or not, it gives me some comfort that those in the T20 who arn't legible are wasting their own time and no-one elses. I think a few of us were concerned by that, this opens up the gates for enthusiasm once more because suddenly being 24th where I am now is well worth improving on!

I'll give it another bash, for definate...I really want to be T20 and make the national finals.

@ Mark Webber.

I'm using FFB 6. I might reduce it, as I find the FFB into the wheel can sometimes make me panic by making me think it's going to start drifting more than it is...so I over-correct and then lose bags of time. I'm going to try FFB4 tomorow after work/gym on the Tuned. Fingers crossed!
I'm still on FFB 10 and I'm afraid to change it, I'm interested to know who's using what though as all the tank slappers are presumably easier to cope with with lower FFB.
Ian keep pushing like crazy it would be fun meeting you at London if we both got there, its going well for me but I'm not happy with my speed I'm underperforming at the moment and I feel as if people may easily catch up with all this time we've got left. I have a rule though, I play until I improve one of the cars times every day, so far so good, everyday since it started I've manage to creep forward in at least one car.
I've just been on the tuned and messed up turn 11 to the tune of a whole tenth, I keep hitting the rev limiter before the turn-in point I turned too early drove all over the kerbs and went sideways and got a terrible exit ! LOL
@ GTP_RPM!! Just think about all the babes, you will get to meet!(That is if your not married) And if you really want to be a race driver you will find away!! Good Luck getting in the top 20 and staying there!!
I feel the guys just outside the Top 20 in countries like the UK and Spain are very unfortunate.

I'm currently 5th in Ireland (+0.477 from 1st). If I was in the UK I would only be 66th and at this stage probably have given up hope.

Gran Turismo isn't very popular in my country so I feel very lucky. With that said, people are still improving every day and new names are always entering the top 20 so I can't stop trying to improve.

The organizers should almost allow the top 30/40 to go through from the countries with huge populations - after all 2 people go through from the national finals of UK, Spain, Italy, France ..and a few others.

Anyway best of luck to everyone as always :)
I feel the guys just outside the Top 20 in countries like the UK and Spain are very unfortunate.

I'm currently 5th in Ireland (+0.477 from 1st). If I was in the UK I would only be 66th and at this stage probably have given up hope.

Amen to this... Just looked out of curiosity I'd be 6th in Ireland... 75th here in UK
Yes unfortunately they haven't improved on their methods to find the best drivers. Its quite ridiculous really I mean the best way would be the WW rankings (and that would mean I wouldn't make it at the moment by the way!) but I thought the idea was to find the fastest guys from the game to trial in the real cars ? As it stands you're gonna get people at Silverstone slower than the top 8 spaniards etc its daft.
Yes unfortunately they haven't improved on their methods to find the best drivers. Its quite ridiculous really I mean the best way would be the WW rankings (and that would mean I wouldn't make it at the moment by the way!) but I thought the idea was to find the fastest guys from the game to trial in the real cars ? As it stands you're gonna get people at Silverstone slower than the top 8 spaniards etc its daft.

Then again what other way can they do it. They want to have a person from each region represented.. (I think it's unfair for the Scandinavians though).. The event can get way more coverage if there is a person from each country rather than 10 spaniards and 5 englishmen..
Yes unfortunately they haven't improved on their methods to find the best drivers. Its quite ridiculous really I mean the best way would be the WW rankings (and that would mean I wouldn't make it at the moment by the way!) but I thought the idea was to find the fastest guys from the game to trial in the real cars ? As it stands you're gonna get people at Silverstone slower than the top 8 spaniards etc its daft.

To be fair, a large part of the reason they do this is advertising. As Dessy says, people are much less likely to watch if there isn't someone from their region they can root for.

Even with a couple of people from each area, the fastest guy is still going to win. It's just gives a bit more variety to the field at Silverstone.
At the end of the day they could find the 20 fastest guys in the world and bring em to silverstone only to find that most of em just dont have what it takes.

I think you could grab 20 random people from all over the world who never played GT and you would get the same result.

Basically there will be a group of individuals and one or two will really stand out and move on. It could be people with no experience, it could be amazing GT players, or it could be a mixed bag... all in all the result will be the same - only two will have what it takes.
I see you point about the variety, that's me being a purist again. In terms of picking any random people with no GT experience I disagree, the instructors at Silverstone were completely blown away by the speed the guys drove from their knowledge born out of a playstation.
I see you point about the variety, that's me being a purist again. In terms of picking any random people with no GT experience I disagree, the instructors at Silverstone were completely blown away by the speed the guys drove from their knowledge born out of a playstation.

I agree and disagree .. remember that small young spanish guy who beat Lucas in the Spanish national final? He was brutal when he got into a real car..

But I guess people who have experience with racing games must have more knowledge about braking points, racing lines etc, that the regular everyday normal guy :dopey:
I just think it's fantastic that anyone is able to measure their skill against everyone else playing the game in the world on a level playing field.

Only the Internet could let us do that. I'm thrilled to be around 80th* in Australia out of around 5500, and that's enough for a top 250 or much better in every other country I checked. So, I'm happy. Not content mind you, but in a reasonable state of satisfaction.

As for the method -- the point of this exercise is to maximise the worldwide market exposure for a given budget, not to pick the best driver in the fairest way possible. View everything through that prism and decisions like not making the top drivers pro-rata per country's population or PS3 sales make sense. As an example, New Zealand has a population of less than 4 million whereas Germany has what, 80 million, and both are allowed 20 drivers.

* just after I've beaten my record. I vary between 80-120
...a random thought guys.

For those who do make T20 and are using the G25...will you go out and buy a DFGT so you can get used to the rigs they will no doubt be running?

I had a go on one of the Sony/GT rigs with DFGT and was shocked at how weak the wheel was and was very lost without the firmer brake pedal! Didn't get used to it at all...
Good idea Ian. I went to visit one of my buddies from puregt when he was celebrating his 50th recently and I was a lot slower on his wheel, I'm sure its something you'd get used to very quickly but not in 3 laps ! I might just do that and I could race my son then too !