The Realistic Photo Thread (READ OP BEFORE POSTING)

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Racing to Lunch Pt. 1
Ferrari 458 Italia Sierra (2).jpeg
Ferrari 458 Italia Sierra (4).jpeg
Ferrari 458 Italia Sierra (7).jpeg
Ferrari 458 Italia Sierra (8).jpeg
Ferrari 458 Italia Sierra (11).jpeg
Ferrari 458 Italia Sierra (12).jpeg
Ferrari 458 Italia Sierra (13).jpeg

Earlier today, I did a Quick Match in the 500 PP Sportscar race. The car list involved a NSX Type R, which would be the typical winner in a race, so to spice things up a bit, I picked the Nissan Skyline GT-R R34. I was then reminded of how much of a pig it handled. I changed my driving style for the track, and I realized that this car has some handling potential (I believe there is some form of computer trying to keep the car flat and level so that's why it understeers like hell). That's when I decided to buy one in the unique Jade Millennium (?) metallic color and made a 500 PP AIT (Akira Ishikawa Tuning) Skyline. Boy, can she handle now. I bet it could keep up with the NSX Type R in the corners too.

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_5.jpg
Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_6.jpg

Then I had a thought: Imagine, if you will, that you're awake at 6:30 in the morning
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The sky is blue, the birds chirping, and more importantly, the roads are quiet
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That's when you walk out into your garage, and you find this beast waiting for you
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You start her up, put it in gear and roll out into the road. You slowly start putting your foot into it, and at a good spot too
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You had her tuned professionally, so everything is working at it's finest. The brakes, the suspension, special wheels, even the aero kit
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You then look over and see a magnificent view of the lake, so you slow down and embrace the natural beauty

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Later up on the road is a nice, curvy bridge, so you step on it some more
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Tarmac, earth is now under you and the corners are light, so you hit it and you feel the twin turbocharged Inline 6 growling away, the car expressing it's driving soul

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You then feel the sun rising and you remember that this is from the land of the rising sun
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Harder, harder you push until you get to one of the most awesome and stunning views of the road ahead

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You slow down, pull over and bask in the view.
Perfect scenery, joyful road, stunning car.
What more could you want?

What's your perfect car?