RIP realistic photo thread.
Never forget.
This thread is losing it. C'mon people, it's GT6!
Use its force to create realism!
- Try to keep the images per post below 10
- Photograph subjects can be anything of choice (Scenery, Car, Sky, Jenkins the cat)
- Photographs must look as realistic as possible, no heavy art or cartoon like photos; there are other threads for that
- Please keep comments constructive and polite
- It is suggested, but not necessary, to mention whether or not the photos are stock GT6 photos or edited
- Enjoy!
I agree with @TheKitten, 31 is 21 over the 10 image limit. try and keep the number down please, and don't make this thread a messLong post...
no edit
Ahem, Please read de rules of the thread. @bmajede
Honestly none of you're pic's are to realistic, maybe instead of posting a ton of pic's, post a couple of 1 set. Then people can criticize and help you.
Well no one said they were bad, there were a couple good ones in there. Just try to distribute them over a couple days or something, or make your own gallerysorry that I posted more than 10 pictures at the same time.
my bad I missed reading the rules.
and will remove all pictures as well since you didn't like any picture I posted.
see you guys.
I actually liked some of the photo's and would like to see them added back, but just not all of them at oncesorry that I posted more than 10 pictures at the same time.
my bad I missed reading the rules.
and will remove all pictures as well since you didn't like any picture I posted.
see you guys.
Wrong thread.I kind of agree with both BUT what pisses me off is the highly edited photo, quite easy to tell the end result is not from the game but rather how good you are at photoshop etc... I also wonder if some people have seen a real shot of a car on track etc .
Here is my old car at brands hatch ( not from the game but then nor are the edited pics really)