No, it's really not.
Canada embraces the right of free speech. If you thought that what FishyJuice said was offensive, I have met Canadians who would make you cry.
Asides from that, I guess you've never spoken to a Serbian?
A Serbian friend of mine, told another friend of mine "Awww, you have cow eyes." The other girl, who wasn't actually Serbian, asked (following expletives) "... why would you say that? You think I look like a cow?"
The Serbian girl quickly apologized and said "Back in Serbia, everyone thinks that cows have the prettiest eyes. It's one of the nicest compliments a Serbian can give."
They later apologized, hugged, and kissed cheeks.
===> It happens. Cultures are different. I'll never tap an Indian person's head, you'll never call a north American fat...
Point is, the cultural explanations are different. Some people are too nice to criticise, and others offer criticism without reinforcement.
Live with it.