The Realistic Photo Thread

  • Thread starter Omamder5
Well, they are Premiums for sure now! Total control over your environment. each shot holds it's own weight individually, as well as within the set. Way...To...Go NB!!!
MoMo PeeZero, Those look great!

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^^Shaft, Your SAT shot reminds me of a spy swap location...

Morocco, 1963...

...In a fly ass Audi!!!


Thank You GT-5redsucker!!! Your shots are Genius!:eek:👍 ...

Nano Saibou, Looks like the final curtain call for your vehicle. Say it ain't so.👍👍👍

STRAAAAAAYYYYY!!! Awesome on top of awesome! Uber Realistic, (As Always).:gtpflag:
Paused video? Excellent way to take your shot Mat123!:cool:👍

Ray, get back in the vehicle! Do not walk away! Do not fade into he sunset! We're not done yet! All Kill Shots...Wonderfully Beautiful!:drool:
I will be late to the GT6 party, as I'm moving house soon, but I will be back hopefully before Xmas or perhaps in the new year.
Apologies if anyone is disappointed by this.

I will however post comments and likes on everyone's posts on the GT6 threads, and also on flickr.
Probys' Escort To The New House.

Adreal, always vibrant and true to life in your *****. Spot on work! Again!👍👍👍

Excellent Show Jeremy! Mr William would love those. Each shot is without flaw. Beautiful set!:drool:

Kamuifanboy, stunningly accurate representations from you. The 458 beats all. IMO. Great shots all! Hope to see way more of your work in GT6.:cheers: