The red flashing lights, and what they mean.

  • Thread starter TVRKing
I'm surprised at the number of people that have had problems, I've had my 360 for a year and haven't even had a overheating problem. I think a lot of it comes from the care one takes of it.

Well, since this has turned into a reliability thread, thought I might chip in.

I already knew that the 360 had issues about reliability, so I did everything to make sure it stayed reliable. I made sure it was clean, free from obstruction, and basically looked after it better than any of the PS2 that I've had (I even bought an external fan system which fits at the back). It didn't stop mine breaking down last week.

Although treating it rough certainly doesn't help, I really doubt it's the sole reason why they break down.
I'm getting my FORTH Xbox360 soon, having over 20 consoles connected and ready to play I can say that Xbox360 is not really a great piece of hardware when it comes to reliability...

Note that I never abuse my consoles, they never run longer than 12 hours in a row, most of the time not even 5 hours and not every day. They are never getting moved, but cleaned regulary and all of them have more than enough room for air circulation. My last Xbox360 worked for like 30 or 40 hours of gameplay, got it 6 weeks ago.
Not to turn this into a PS3 vs XB360, but as an example of how there are real differences in reliability among different console designs, I have been running my PS3 nearly 24 hours a day for the last four weeks, (with one break while on trip), and most of that time was while running Folding@Home which pushes the capabilities of the PS3's cell processor much harder than any game, and not only have I not had any problems what so ever, but amazingly, less than a minute after I turn it off, the area around the case where the circuit board is located is cool to the touch.

And this is not at all an isolated case, thousands of PS3 users are running F@H just like I do, and have also yet to report any problems with the unit. I beleive Stanford University alone has several dozen PS3's that they have been running F@H non-stop for the last month and have reported no problems with any of thier PS3's.

Regardless of how anyone might feel about the PS3, two things cannot be overlooked; it is extremely reliable, and it's cooling system is an engineering marvel. 👍
and I'll chip in too. I had the original PS2 and it never froze or anything. i also have the new, slim PS2, and it's been on for months in row. no problems at all.

not that I'd be bragging about it, but.. :sly: :D my point is obvious.
Slightly off topic but does the PS3 have something similar to show hardware issues like the 360 ROL..... does it have a certain light up sequence or do PS3's never break!
Slightly off topic but does the PS3 have something similar to show hardware issues like the 360 ROL..... does it have a certain light up sequence or do PS3's never break!

Havent heard anything about PS3 having major failiures.

For UK'ers you know a product is bad when it ends up on Watchdog and guess what, the xbox showed up with its Ring of Death, alot of cases stating that the fault happens just after the warrenty runs out.

I don't own an xbox since being put off from this Ring of Death microsoft ****up, but I disagree with Joey D about it being down to abuse..... people are smarter than to mess about with an expensive bit of kit.

Just my 2cents/pennies worth.
Hmm maybe this how they can gloat about how many systems they've stuff into the channels.. ...i mean shipped includes replacement systems right? Kinda like Sony's 120million Ps2's sold maybe 15% were replacements.
I still say a lot of it stems from console abuse, if you knock it over or are just plain rough with it, it's going to break. Like I've said time and time again, more people have working 360's then do not, just a few people b***** and moan about it making it seem like the system is bad.

I've had just about every gaming system dating back to the original Nintendo and Sega Genesis and the only system I ever had break down on me was me big PS2, the disk drive froze up and literally exploded a game inside of it, this was back around the time of GT4's release. Was I pissed? Not really, I had used the system every day since I had bought it on it's release in 2000.

Because of one incident do I think PS2's are unreliable? No, not at all. I bought my slim line (more with the thought of putting it in my truck) and I haven't had a problem with it.

I'm seriously sick of people thinking the 360 is a bad system, it's not and most people that own one will tell you that.

Just to put my 2 cents in, xBox360s must not like me, because in Best Buy and other game stores they've froze on me 4 times. 3 of these were after hour of playing, but one was a NEW CONSOLE that I was the FIRST ONE PLAYING, and happened in less than 20 minutes.
Just to put my 2 cents in, xBox360s must not like me, because in Best Buy and other game stores they've froze on me 4 times. 3 of these were after hour of playing, but one was a NEW CONSOLE that I was the FIRST ONE PLAYING, and happened in less than 20 minutes.

In those cases, I would think having no ventilation (which most booths don't) would be the culprit.
Havent heard anything about PS3 having major failiures.

Good to know the PS3 build quality is top notch, my launch PS2 now 9 years old has never had any fault, not even a DRE.

For UK'ers you know a product is bad when it ends up on Watchdog and guess what, the xbox showed up with its Ring of Death, alot of cases stating that the fault happens just after the warrenty runs out.

:lol: That soo true, Watchdog means its BAD! Luckly I don't think Ive owned anything thats ever ended up on there!

I don't own an xbox since being put off from this Ring of Death microsoft ****up, but I disagree with Joey D about it being down to abuse..... people are smarter than to mess about with an expensive bit of kit.

I agree, sometimes they just fail..... my mate takes real good care even ran it by an open window to keep it cool and his had the red lights happen.


I get the 'power' light only sometimes, not sure why the stupid thing doesn't boot properly. I've had the overheating one before and all it was down to was the PS2 pad resting against the power brick.
PhotoShop? I didn't think this was possible right of the box. And at a very bad time when red ring of death is becoming the new DRE.

I think he meant to press 6 and not 9 :). Happeneds to me somethimes.
PhotoShop? I didn't think this was possible right of the box. And at a very bad time when red ring of death is becoming the new DRE.

I think he meant to press 6 and not 9 :). Happeneds to me somethimes.

It is possible.
My first Xbox360 had freezing issues from the very first minute.
It wasn't decided to release it in limited quantities until they decided to hold on to half the inventory for replacement to make it appear like a fast swift replacement process. There's something wrong with that if it were true. M$ total shipped number have to include replacement systems seeing that 1/3 of its owners own Gears of War or Oblivion
Did you ever clean it out?

How do you clean the inside of it?

You'd think that they would have gotten the Elites working right if the only hardware differences are the components for HDMI output and the bigger hard drive. They shouldn't be any worse than a regular system unless one of those two things are junk.
How do you clean the inside of it?

You'd think that they would have gotten the Elites working right if the only hardware differences are the components for HDMI output and the bigger hard drive. They shouldn't be any worse than a regular system unless one of those two things are junk.

Still curious about how you want me to clean the inside of my 360.

Mine happened to overheat and shut down playing TDU last night. The bottom (where the CPU is) felt like it was on fire...
I used canned air and blow it in the vents about every week. I also keep it on a wooden platform so it can dissipate heat better.
I used canned air and blow it in the vents about every week. I also keep it on a wooden platform so it can dissipate heat better.

Hey, what do you know...One of my fans have died so it overheats within an hour of playing TDU. Fourth 360, here I come!
that'll be good information to know if/when it happens to us :lol: my bf plays NFS:MW for 2-3 hours nightly; he just likes the game, he beat it [and carbon, which isnt exactly a feat] already. Can't wait for the next one, so long as its better than carbon and more like MW.
it look's pretty awsome(the new one), and should fully support g25(carbon did on ps2, don't know about ps3).