WikipediaThe world record for the Rubik's Magic was set in 2003 by Jaap Scherphuis in 3.06 seconds. It was broken by Stefan Pochmann at the 2004 European Championships in 1.49 seconds.
Meh, that's nothing. I broke mine in under a second...
Meh, nobody likes a smart-arse..Also, did you know people actually solve rubik's cubes blind-folded? Underwater? One Handed? and using their feet?
Meh, nobody likes a smart-arse..
That solution was so easy, and it ruined the whole thing for me. I had two because I 'broke' one and got a replacement (free, I think) but didn't have to give the old one back, and we managed to get it untangled again. But if there's one thing more dull than a Rubik's Magic, it's two Rubik's Magics...
Let's just say she tried to force it in a direction it wasn't inclined to go.
Watch this first.
I had one of those too!
Meh, that's nothing. I broke mine in under a second...
I got this model here, they had it at Shopko.
There is a similar one that comes in a Hexagonal package, but it apparently doesn't spin as well and such. I haven't felt the need to dismantle and lubricate the cube, as it spins decently as is.
Well, in just fiddling with it today, I can easily see how it could happen blindfolded... 90% of what I do with the cube I am not even looking at it.
I found the key chain version too, and for the first time, using tab's YT link, I was able to solve it. Now my fingers hurt. Damn thing is so small and so hard to turn... being 26 years old, and all. The RC key chain, not my fingers; they would be 37 years old.
The movements pretty much become second nature after youve done it enough times, but still doing it blindfolded is pretty crazy; to memorize the position of all the pieces and then solving it from memory?? Dude
Nice! Satisfying, no?
Whats the average solve time for you guys?
Meh, nobody likes a smart-arse..