The Single Photo Thread

  • Thread starter Slicks
That's definitely an improvement, the colours seem richer, but I reckon you could go even further without messing things up đź‘Ť
A "single photo" of my own. I didn't want to put it in my own thread as that's more for my motorsport stuff really.

Image 1

So... what is it? The moon, obviously, and some houses. But that other spec to the below and right of the moon is Jupiter.

It's not a great photo by a long shot. I have no tripod for a start so the scenery is blurred, taken at 1/4 of a second. Jupiter was taken at 1/20s, the moon at 1/400s and then I layered the whole lot (badly...). This also made for a lot of black space with nothing in it, so I cropped out the middle of the photo. The moon and Jupiter are in the correct positions relative to each other, but not to the horizon.

It does make me really want to get some good kit though to attempt more professional and less "cobbled-together" shots of the moon, stars and planets though. And in an area with less light pollution than the middle of a city...
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And another one from me. This is actually my first try with manual focus instead of AF. I still find it rather hard, especially with shallow DOF and a moving target. Also, the 70-200, with a minimum focus distance of 1.2m, is not the ideal closeup lens for shooting critters. ;)

(click for big version)

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I was just going through and cleaning up my SD card and came across this shot:


I don't remember taking it, I have no idea what it is, but I do like it! :lol:
I am getting sick of my D40x. I've had it for about a year now and I'm ready for an upgrade. I recently took this shot, and in my opinion it looked terrible, but after a lot of post processing, here is what I got. Blur is fake, and now that I look at it now, I should have cropped off the left a bit more.

Image 1

Exceedengly big, please!!!
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Nice shots guys - however a few people appear to have missed the image posting rules, which can be found......


....which clearly state that posted images should be no more than 900px along the longest edge.

I'm going to edit the images larger than this into links, please feel free to repost them when they meet the posting rules.

