The State of Lobbies in GT7

  • Thread starter Guffaluff
I've put some thought into some of the things that need to be done, and almost all of it (besides a tuning shop being built into the lobby interface) was already in GT5 almost 11 and a half years ago. That really is the cause of the problem though, Polyphony have CONSISTENTLY taken features away from Open Lobbies since GT6, their first real attempt outside the prologues being GT5 was their peak at casual online racing. They have yet to add anything new to lobbies since GT5 to compensate for all the features dwindling away, and its a massive shame. I have no idea why more players aren't outraged about this after some of us spending $70 for this game.

Quality of life lobby features.
  • Fixing the issue that prevents the host from changing event settings after a lobby has already been launched.
  • The ability for the host to kick players and the ability for players to 'votekick' other fellow players (including the host).
  • Track Vote.
  • A selection of free Car Rentals for every player to use.
  • Add the Tuning Shop and GT Auto into the Open Lobby interface.
Lobby Settings/Regulations.
  • The return of Shuffle Mode from GT5 - A classic racing mode which gives players a random stock car based off of a set PP number and range which can be changed by the host.
  • Drivetrain restrictions - The ability for the host to select or deselect eligible drivetrain configurations (Ex: FF,FR,RR,AWD, etc)
  • Seamless One-Make racing - The ability for the host one-make races seamlessly by either selecting from a preset catalog of cars, or to choose from his own garage. Doing so will duplicate the selected car, and will be given to each player in the lobby to race.
  • Easier time of day settings - The ability for the host to set the exact time of day manually, and a new option that will automatically match the circuits real time of day as it is in that exact moment in the world.
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I‘m sorry if i missed that.. but for me one of the most annoying things that are missing, is the fact that u can’t see the “status” of the lobby anymore. I mean, like in GTS, if the lobby is in “training” or already “racing”.. I was so close so many times to deinstall GT 7, because I joined a lobby in vain..
On top of that, every time I then leave the lobby (because they‘re already racing) the game crash and I got a blue screen.. EVERY TIME !!
guys we are a minority, Nobody talks about it, or at least very few. they wanted an old style gran turismo and this is the result for us online racer ..
Fact is the game generally all around sucks, online being less relevent to most the main issue for majority is offline content.

But hey maybe in a year and a half they will get to fixing it.
First of all I want to agree with all the comments of this thread, I know some of you, and it's logic, online racers are a part of a very little world in GT7 community.
So, you agree with me ? :

And you can see somebody locked my thread, so you can't post any other comment !

I deleted the game few days ago, but I check the patch/update content, in case of...
As I can see, we still have to wait for the next update... not sure it will be for us once again.

You have listed all the problems, and the improvements we need, I will just had my improvement idea :
In lobbies : it will be nice to add the players ranking in the member list, near the names, so we will be able to know it, BEFORE to join a lobby.
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Il fatto è che il gioco fa schifo, poiché normalmente i contenuti online sono meno rilevanti per la maggior parte del problema per la maggior parte sono i offline.

Ma ehi, forse tra un anno e mezzo riusciranno a risolverlo.
Now Is possible to kik people in lobby
Couple of improvements made so far, the ability to kick people and timed (endurance) races don't finish instantly anymore.

Its not much, but I'll take it. Hoping for more improvements in the near future.
The pace of improvements is troublesome...
Agreed. I run the Icelandic GT Championship, and we're finishing up the 2021-22 season next week, but we'll make the transition to GT7 in the fall when we start the 2022-23 season. So I really hope they get them up to speed.
This has been totally unreliable for me all evening. I’m on a wired 1gb connection and managed to join our weekly lobby for a warmup race, but trying to join the main race lobby afterwards just results in repeated CE-700181 timeouts.

Not going to lie, pretty ticked off. Not had a brilliant day so this has totally spoiled my evening. Don’t understand how things have taken such a backward step from GTS:guilty:
but we'll make the transition to GT7 in the fall when we start the 2022-23 season.
I'm afraid by the looks of it, it may be summer 2023...PD has so many patches to complete!

EDIT -- unless our voice gets louder.
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Seems like they hold stuff back so we think thanks PD after they fix it. Why are the people who buy the games near release date the ones that get the worst experience.
I'm starting to think the lack of features for lobbies is intentional. Why would you be so obtuse PD? You give me improved physics, then warp me back to the future? It's 2022, and your past lobbies have had wonderful features...why the disconnect all of a sudden?
This has been totally unreliable for me all evening. I’m on a wired 1gb connection and managed to join our weekly lobby for a warmup race, but trying to join the main race lobby afterwards just results in repeated CE-700181 timeouts.

Not going to lie, pretty ticked off. Not had a brilliant day so this has totally spoiled my evening. Don’t understand how things have taken such a backward step from GTS:guilty:
To be fair, GTS was a even bigger step backwards from GT6 and GT5 when it comes to lobbies. (Besides the network connection)

We should have been more aggressive about GT Sport's lobbies to stop the decline in its tracks, but we didn't.
I'm starting to think the lack of features for lobbies is intentional. Why would you be so obtuse PD? You give me improved physics, then warp me back to the future? It's 2022, and your past lobbies have had wonderful features...why the disconnect all of a sudden?
Hummm, I'm also starting to think it's deliberate and won't be fixed any time soon. Just can't think why...

Maybe they don't want us running our own events/championships and this an attempt to steer us towards their own?

I dunno, I'm just loosing patience fast with this game, and all plans for my crews organised events are on hold. A couple of guys have already parked GT7 and starting playing other games, I may well join them soon... ☹️
Hummm, I'm also starting to think it's deliberate and won't be fixed any time soon. Just can't think why...

Maybe they don't want us running our own events/championships and this an attempt to steer us towards their own?

I dunno, I'm just loosing patience fast with this game, and all plans for my crews organised events are on hold. A couple of guys have already parked GT7 and starting playing other games, I may well join them soon... ☹️
You'd be surprised how many people in these threads (mostly Sport players) who think ranked Sport mode races are the only true way to race online, and Open Lobbies are just an outdated version of what Sport mode evolved from.

It's very likely Polyphony and with their bias towards it likely feel that way too, and definitely half-a***** the development for Open Lobbies on purpose.
I've thought this too, but frankly it just doesn't make sense...why would they blatantly limit lobbies? There is such a large community in need of this feature.

Definitely a head scratcher...
Come Sun, the lobbies need to advance...for all those that are waiting...why isn't this one of the best features of GT7?
Update due this coming week. If there's no fix for the lobbies and they still are the same as they are now then it pretty much confirms that PD just don't care and have no real interest in sorting them. The game has been out long enough now, and people are starting to abandon it for this very reason.

But we shall see, I live in hope...🙄
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Been doing a bit of lobby racing last few days. What a mess. Takes a ridiculously long time to connect to server at first, Then most the rooms I go in are already in a race - why doesn’t it show me like Sport did - and you have to go back to the lobby menu and select all the filters again. Once you get into a race the chat options are terrible, no qualifying at all??? And then the lagging ruins close contact racing. How is it this bad?
An unusual one for me today: friend set up the lobby to be BoP GR3. Each time I tried to go to track in my custom BWT livery Merc, the game force quit. Every single time. Jumped into a 911RSR and it worked first time.
race over 2 laps! the time of the best first lap is not displayed and consequently the second lap does not show any time improvements or worsening in lobby mode! Try guys ..
This is why I keep asking for them to make multiplayer version of the SP events. The game needs an advancement in multiplayer.

GTS was a big step because of the rating systems and penalty systems, but it was still limited by being only three races. GT7 should have been the next step.

I am not sorry to say that i understand. I HATE the lobbies because I usually wait around longer than the length of the race. 'Oh wait..." "Start again..." or the host is AFK. It's a night mare of surfing servers until you MIGHT find one race. That is why Sport Mode is popular. You KNOW when a race is going to happen.

But not it's time to step it up. Curate multiplayer events. This game is going to die quick because the focus is on collecting cars, and most people have already said "screw this"
You'd be surprised how many people in these threads (mostly Sport players) who think ranked Sport mode races are the only true way to race online, and Open Lobbies are just an outdated version of what Sport mode evolved from.

It's very likely Polyphony and with their bias towards it likely feel that way too, and definitely half-a***** the development for Open Lobbies on purpose.
To be fair here, the "community" for online racing in GT5 was extremely small. The online lobbies were mostly for friends races against eachother. They spend so much time making all of those features for GT5 and re-used them in GT6 with like less than 5% of people ever using most of those.

With GT Sport they of course moved completely away from almost everything and focused on the Sports Mode that they even made E-sport deals for.

With GT7 they have spend time on the single player experience, graphics and physics and possibly their server infrastructure to fit the PS5 stuff into it. They have already secured a deal with Toyota Gazoo Racing for a tournament in the Sports Mode, and there are no doubt that it is the main focus of almost everything online related.

There was probably not any increase in players using the lobby system in GT Sport, as there were fewer players in general, and so they obviously from a business perspective decided to focus it all on the Sports Mode and Singleplayer. The GT7 lobbies are likely the last thing they focused on and will have no priority at all, since you can still do it in GT Sport, while the Sports Mode in GT Sport is basically stopped so they need to focus on that for GT7 to not get in trouble.
race over 2 laps! the time of the best first lap is not displayed and consequently the second lap does not show any time improvements or worsening in lobby mode! Try guys ..
That is not a lobby thing, that is from the new update in general.
This is why I keep asking for them to make multiplayer version of the SP events.
This is such an obviously good idea, It never occurred to me before but they could replicate the world circuits championships as multiplayer events. The endurance ones especially would be epic and get a lot of engagement I’m sure.
Fact is the game generally all around sucks, online being less relevent to most the main issue for majority is offline content.

But hey maybe in a year and a half they will get to fixing it.
I think this is complete and utter B.S. If PD didnt care about online racing in GT7 why would they change GTSport to a 4 week/monthly schedule for new races? They specifically changed GTS right after GT7 release to "encourage" the online racers to move to GT7.

They do care about online racing. They just suck at fixing their product.
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