The Terri Schiavo case

  • Thread starter Zrow
Actually if he divorced her her care would be controlled by the parents.

Why does tha bother him? He's already moved on -- with another woman and kids.

This situation is not about money , as much as some would like it to be.

Are you saying he doesn't care about the money? Why would he disappear and then reappear all of a sudden? :confused:

The parents despite all evidence against it , think that there is still hope for thier daughter to come out of her coma or vegatative state. that is why they claim she should be kept on life support / feeding tube . They still see hope for some sort of recovery and claim that thier daughter is " aware " .

That's understandable.
When did he ever disappear ? He was married to her and is trying to honor her wishes not to leave her laying around as a veggy . Why is that so hard to except ? is it because it would be easier to just say " hey you deal with it " ?

If this is in any way an accurate depiction of her head than I would have to say the hope that the parents have is a false one .
No cerebellum died ..its been replaced with spinal will not grow back.
Once this has been determined no more test are needed. Its game over . facing reality can be difficult . This case proves it.
That's understandable.
I agree. It almost hurts to hear some say rude things about Terri Schiavos' parents.

I have an co-worker, whose son is in maybe worse state than Terri. He and his wife is caring for their son, and if somebody who doesn't even know them say that they are pathetic and should just let their son go, I don't know what I(or any of my co-workers) do.
When did he ever disappear ?

Honestly, I don't know much about the story prior to all of this media attention. All I know is, he's practically moved on. I wasn't aware that he was "always" by her side.

He was married to her married to her...

and is trying to honor her wishes not to leave her laying around as a veggy . Why is that so hard to except ?

It's not hard to accept, but I refuse to ignore the fact that he stands to gain from her death. Why the urgency all of a sudden? Why the sudden media attention?

is it because it would be easier to just say " hey you deal with it " ?

By "you" I assume you meant the parents? No, that was not what I was trying to say. I don't remember seeing anything about this last year, or the year before, or the year before that. I guess it wasn't as newsworthy then as it is now...
Everytime they remove the feeding tube its in the news..this is I think the third time. It takes a long time for the case to come to trial. This is I think the 7 th year of the court action.
Honestly, I don't know much about the story prior to all of this media attention. All I know is, he's practically moved on. I wasn't aware that he was "always" by her side.
I'm not sure about the "always by her side" either, but I think I heard this has been going on for years(15 years?). Just like you, I noticed it for the first time, just recently.
Everytime they remove the feeding tube its in the news..this is I think the third time. It takes a long time for the case to come to trial. This is I think the 7 th year of the court action.

Thank you. :)

That's just sad, though, that they keep dragging this on and on instead of coming to some sort of mutual agreement. :ill:

I agree. It almost hurts to hear some say rude things about Terri Schiavos' parents.

Almost? :ill:

I have an co-worker, whose son is in maybe worse state than Terri. He and his wife is caring for their son, and if somebody who doesn't even know them say that they are pathetic and should just let their son go, I don't know what I(or any of my co-workers) do.

That's sad. I don't know what I would do in the same situation either. I think the way it goes is, first it's the patient's wishes, and then whatever's in their best interest?

I'm not sure about the "always by her side" either, but I think I heard this has been going on for years(15 years?). Just like you, I noticed it for the first time, just recently.

Even if this has been brought up before, I'm not sure if it was done with this kind of media attention. Literally, every day, there is something in the news about the case. If 15 years is correct, that's 15 years too long.
One side believes there is no hope of recovery. The other side believes that there is some they are both " right " . Hence the long drawn out struggle .
Florida Statute 765.401 – The Proxy

(1) If an incapacitated or developmentally disabled patient has not executed and advanced directive, or designated a surrogate to execute an advance directive, or the designated or alternate surrogate is no longer available to make health care decisions, the health care decisions may be made for the patient by any of the following individuals, in the following order of priority, if no individual in a prior class is reasonable available, willing, or competent to act:
a. The judicially appointed guardian of the patient or the guardian advocate of the person having a developmental disability as defined in s. 393.063, who has been authorized to consent to medical treatment, if such guardian has previously been appointed however, this paragraph shall not be construed to require such appointment before a treatment decision can be made under this subsection;
b. The patient’s spouse;
c. An adult child of the patient, or if the patient has more than one adult child, a majority of the adult children who are reasonably available for consultation;
d. A parent of the patient;
e. The adult sibling of the patient or, if the patient has more than one sibling, a majority of the adult siblings who are reasonably available for consultation;
f. An adult relative of the patient who has exhibited special care and concern for the patient and who has maintained regular contact with the patient and who is familiar with the patient’s activities, health, and religious or moral beliefs; or
g. A close friend of the patient;
h. A clinical social worker…
(2) Any health care decision made under this part must be based on the proxy’s informed consent and on the decision the proxy reasonably believes the patient would have made under the circumstances. If there is no indication of what the patient would have chosen, the proxy may consider the patient’s best interest in deciding that proposed treatments are to be withheld or that treatments currently in effect are to be withdrawn.
(3) Before exercising the incapacitated patient’s rights to select or decline health care, the proxy must comply with the provisions of ss. 765.205 and 765.305, except that a proxy’s decision to withhold or withdraw life-prolonging procedures must be supported by clear and convincing evidence that the decision would have been the one the patient would have chosen had the patient been competent or, if there is no indication of what the patient would have chosen, that the decision is in the patient’s best interest.

Doesn’t sound like the law requires the “family” to agree to me. Does it sound like that to you? Sounds to me like the guardian is the person who determines what decision the “patient would have made under the circumstances” or in absence of proof of what the patient would have done… “that the decision is in the patient’s best interest”. Where is parent of the patient on that list? d. After children of the patient, way after a and b which are both Michael Schaivo. The only thing the parents can do is claim that he doesn’t have “clear and convincing evidence that the decision would have been the one the patient would have chosen” and that it isn’t “in the patient’s best interest”.

Pretty weak case if you ask me. I just want to go on record as saying that this is pretty much what I’ve been saying the whole time. Though, I did not realize that the language of the law so strongly stated that it should be what the patient would have decided. I expected to read more things like “in the patient’s best interest”.

Are you saying he doesn't care about the money?

Are you saying the parent's don't? If he divorced her then THEY would get the money. Kinda makes you think huh?
Are you saying the parent's don't? If he divorced her then THEY would get the money. Kinda makes you think huh?

I didn't look at it that way. I just assumed that the parents wanted to keep her alive, money was last thing that was on their minds. Clearly the parents have not moved on, but Michael Schiavo has.
I didn't look at it that way. I just assumed that the parents wanted to keep her alive, money was last thing that was on their minds. Clearly the parents have not moved on, but Michael Schiavo has.

My point with that wasn't to claim that the parents are after the money - I don't think they are. My point was to show that there is an equal claim on both sides of ulterior motive. The claims of greed in this case balance out. The law clearly states (in some other statute) that if the guardian stands to gain something from the death of the patient, that does not justify removal of the guardian. And the law should state that, because otherwise everyone who has a life insurance policy would not be allowed to have the beneficiary as a guardian.

So the whole thing comes down to the merits of their claims. Is it what terri would have wanted or is it not? Is michael just wanting to move on with his new family? Are her parents just wanting her to still be alive?

It's all somewhat moot because medically she's really not there anymore - so they're really arguing about a mindless body.
she's dead....finally, now we can move on to actual issues of importance

i will comment on this however:

President Bush sent condolences to Schiavo's families. "I urge all those who honor Terri Schiavo to continue to work to build a culture of life where all Americans are welcomed and valued and protected."

what crock of **** :lol:

where all americans are valued and protected???? gimme a f'ing break

the hipocrisy is revulting
Welcomed, tell that to the people in the ghetto, a large part of the American population, way larger than it should be. Instead of putting his focus on a comatose woman with a death wish (if I would be in that state I'd beg anyone to pull the plug), he should worry about the people that are still alive. Poverty is a huge problem in the USA, yet Bush does his best to command to the wishes of the rich and Christian scum like himself. All the poor people are shipped off to Iraq or Afghanistan... hey, that's one way to solve the poverty problem, right? You don't see Bush letting his daughters join the military to fight for what he stands for.
Schiavo's Parents Not Swayed by Autopsy

LARGO, Fla. (AP) - An autopsy that found Terri Schiavo suffered from severe and irreversible brain-damage has done nothing to sway her parents' position that she deserved to live and may have gotten better with therapy.

The long-awaited report Wednesday found Schiavo's brain had shrunk to about half the normal size for a woman her age when she died March 31 after her feeding tube was disconnected. The autopsy also determined she was blind.

Bob and Mary Schindler disputed the results, insisting their daughter interacted with them and tried to speak. Their attorney said the family plans to discuss the autopsy with other medical experts and may take some unspecified legal action.
I simply cannot believe the massive denial under which these people are living. I couldn't imagine throwing away my own life, and my child's dignity, in this pointless and self-pitying crusade.
I simply cannot believe the massive denial under which these people are living. I couldn't imagine throwing away my own life, and my child's dignity, in this pointless and self-pitying crusade.
They hate to admit they were wrong all this time. I can believe it. They seem like those kind of people. I bet that poor bastard (Terri's husband) never got a word in edge wise when they came over for Thanksgiving dinner.
Living in the UK i've missed this case on the news. From reading this thread it would seem to me that her parents are very selfish people, caring more for themselves and their petty beliefs, than their daughters dignity and her husbands feelings. Not only could they not move on, but neither could their son-in-law. Contesting the autopsy is like adding insult to injury. Although their surname might mean otherwise - are they Christian right-wingers by any chance?

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