The Things That Annoy You

  • Thread starter ScottPuss20
I have a new couple! Still.. less annoying, more amusing:

1) I pitted in a car with knock-off winged centre nuts holding the wheel on. The pit crew used air guns to remove the wheels, not hammers.

2) The VR interior of one of the classic cars - I think it is the road going 300SL - has two chrome grab handles, one each side near the doors to dash intersection, that aren't connected to anything. They are just floating there.
Owning every car in the game makes it a real chore to locate the specific car you want to sell at the used car dealership. Some more filtering options in the selling screen (like what you get in your garage) would be very helpful in finding the duplicate car you just won in the roulette wheel.
Owning every car in the game makes it a real chore to locate the specific car you want to sell at the used car dealership. Some more filtering options in the selling screen (like what you get in your garage) would be very helpful in finding the duplicate car you just won in the roulette wheel.
Exactly, and even without all cars, finding duplicate is quite long. But most of the time you just need to sort by worst variation, and it will be not far 🤣 hopefully you'll sell for 1/3 of the price...
There are a number of gripes I have with the rims:

1: There is no way to check the size or offset of the rim I currently have on. This is very inconvenient as I want to try different rims with the same size and offset.

2: When I change the color of the rims in the livery editor, the color is reset when I change the rim. I want to see what other rims look like with the color I'm currently painting.

3: Even for wheels with multiple disc/lip color variants, the lip is forced to a specific color when changing the disc color. This is even more annoying as some rims change the lip to a less common color like black.

4: Work Meister LOD models are forced to have a bronze lip regardless of the rim color the player chooses. They have yet to fix this glitch.
Here's a thing that gets on my nerves in gt7, the AI. Sometimes they are clumsy and just randomly crash into an object, wall, or driver which slows down the race. Annoys the crap out of me.
That there is never clear communication from the developer. And they just seem to do whatever the ffff they want all the time with no particular sense or meaning whatsover. They don't have any kind of predictability in any way or form. NEVER.
That there is never clear communication from the developer. And they just seem to do whatever the ffff they want all the time with no particular sense or meaning whatsover. They don't have any kind of predictability in any way or form. NEVER.
Does anyone know the player count/% by region? Is there maybe a „hidden“ Japanese GT forum or website that is closer to the development team?

Things that i dislike:
  • No possibility to change cars in GT Auto (or is there and i am just too dumb to find it?)
  • Changing oil for all your favourite cars in the garage takes so much time: First you have to find them which already is unnecessarily challenging, then chose, go to GT Auto, change oil, go back to Garage and repeat…
  • Low Prize money vs. High Car prices (grinding game)
  • Low number/variety of events
  • Extremely difficult to stabilize an oversteering car (or to drift) with a wheel (compared to Controller): I understand that this a matter of skill and training but somehow it does not feel „fair“ that everything seems so much easier with a controller (e.g. the drift missions)
  • „PIT maneuver“ performed by AI, especially in oval tracks
  • Wall riding or crashing should have a more severe impact
and here's another one! Just a little thing, but why the heck aren't the track time trial settings sticky? I like to run my time trials with tire wear and fuel at 1x and with grip set to real, and with the penalties on. Why can't I set that and forget it?? Why do I have to go in every single time and reset that stuff?
We have 16 Gr.3 events in single player and 1 Gr.3 event taking up a Race A slot in Sport mode, excluding the WTC events (which is really Gr.3 but with a twist™!)

But neither BB Raceway nor Northern Isle Speedway can have any new events after the game has been out for over 2 years.

Still Unused Track Layouts (SP; World Circuits)
  • Autodrome Lago Maggiore, West-End
  • Red Bull Ring, Short Track
  • 24 Heures du Mans race track, No Chicane
  • Autodromo Nazionale Monza, No Chicane
  • Sardegna - Road Track, Layout C
  • Fuji Speedway, Short Course
  • Kyoto Driving Park, Miyabi
  • Blue Moon Bay, Infield B
PD forgetting to use the cars in their own Brands Central dealership is just the cherry on top.
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These are two things they need to massively fix in an update. Strange they havent sorted my first point yet as demand for Sport mode is very high.

1. Give me a second chance or an alternate lobby to join/to enter a game if the stupid netcode of the game crashes on the timer reaching zero and I lose my place. Right now I can only "cancel entry" which is bloddy useless.

Because when I do lose my place I end up waiting 2hours to join another alottment slot, if the racing slots are at irregular hourly times.

2. Allow oil changes at the pit qualifier section. I can only realise I may need one, through GT auto or Garage that my car has crappy/used oil causing slow pace and worse times/bhp than usual.

Sure they abit nitpicky but still would be useful to simply code in these things PD, to save us all time hopping from crappy menu to menu.

Marvel Studios Reaction GIF by Disney+
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That there is never clear communication from the developer. And they just seem to do whatever the ffff they want all the time with no particular sense or meaning whatsover. They don't have any kind of predictability in any way or form. NEVER.
I agree, even Kaz never replies to anyone on Twitter which is weird. It does not make any sense whatsoever.
Honestly.....I wouldn't talk to people either. Idk if yall ever existeed in a creative space but people who have never had a creative thought in their entire life will all-of-a-sudden would want to tell you what to do.
When I spin it feels like 9 times out of 10 I'll end up face first in the barrier or facing the wrong way and will need a 3 point turn before I can rejoin the race.

I'm as lucky in spin outcomes as I am with the wheel of despair.
Oh, one thing that really pisses me off and annoys me is that the game freezes/crashes sometimes when I finish a race or event. It occurs at the rewards screen where the trophy/driver is there, I'll show a picture as proof. I keep reporting this to Sony/Playstation but their not doing anything about it, even PD. They say they corrected this bug, no they did not.

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When I spin it feels like 9 times out of 10 I'll end up face first in the barrier or facing the wrong way and will need a 3 point turn before I can rejoin the race.

I'm as lucky in spin outcomes as I am with the wheel of despair.
You gotta quickly back up away from the wall, turn the wheel and just mash the throttle so you can break away the tires and whip the back of the car around
Radar in bottom right hand corner. ACC has much better radar. Project Cars 2 spotted you.

Can’t share tunes easily.

No customizable HUD, not even the option to turn it on and off while racing.

No option to toss some AI in online lobbies.

If you don’t regularly play single player the game is a total grind.

No option to switch liveries on the same car, not sure why we have to load it. Would be nice to pick our car, then browse through day five liveries and choose one of them.

Game doesn’t show us which tires are currently on our car, might pick 550pp thinking it’s comfort soft and it’s sports hard, now you’re left looking for a different car or tuning.

Why can’t we buy tuning parts in lobbies, why can’t we access car settings in tuning shop, why are specs for the cars all over the place? Anything related to the car whether it’s settings, widebody, oil changes, parts, aero… or should all be localized instead of having to back out one spot and load up another.

I say this because in tuning you can buy parts, see weight to hp, got to car settings, now you can’t see weight to hp ratio, make your adjustments, go back to tuning shop to check those numbers. It’s like if a grocery store had spaghetti noodles in one aisle and the sauce in another or if you went to check out, they rang it all through but then you walked down a long hallway to pay for your groceries, came out the store and had to unload your bags on the sidewalk, walk to your vehicle, drive it over and unpack your groceries out of bags into your vehicle into boxes.

And move that timer off the horizon when racing karts in cockpit view.

If they gave me the reigns for a month the game would have all the dumb issues addressed. It’s like nobody is overseeing the entire game as a whole. Everybody’s just locked in the departments.
Some of the Online Time Trials in Sport mode aggrevates me. You have to put so much effort in to get up there in gold territory. And some cars get on my nerves the way they move and operate. Irks the hell out of me.
In time trials, if you reset or just do another session at a track where you've set a time before, the game acts as if its your first time there, even if you already set a time in the same car on a different day. So you have benchmark for sector times until you set a valid lap in that session.

Even though it says your best time right there on the screen.

In time trials, if you reset or just do another session at a track where you've set a time before, the game acts as if its your first time there, even if you already set a time in the same car on a different day. So you have benchmark for sector times until you set a valid lap in that session.

Even though it says your best time right there on the screen.

It seems to me that it shouldn't be too hard (speaking with zero point of reference) to incorporate downloading of individual split times long with ghosts (not necessarily the same thing) when you fire up a TT session.

Just a weird PD thing
The E30 Evo engine swap. It's really a kick in the teeth that I can't lower the weight of either E30 to their Group A homologation weight of 940kg, but with the E30 Evo engine swap the car is bang on 940kg!
Kills me.