The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
The pondering AJ you used is adorable.

Thanks. :3

Little earlier, around 4 EST in the chat. Valter and Ed had talked about it the day before, but then Ed had to leave.


Hey Valter, you want give an advance warning in the thread before you livestream?

It'd make it a lot easier to see it, 'specially if people aren't in the chat a whole lot.


db tag

This artist apparently did some comic covers as well.


"Behold! Every single 🤬 in this hat has vanished!"

I just noticed his scrapbook has more art than his other galleries. It's mostly filled with his older works though, and it's better than any other scraps gallery I've seen.

And just when you thought that all he ever did it draw ponies:

He animated some additional attacks and movements for RD, since they weren't finished off by the time FiM was axed.
I choose the M1911 any day of the week. I believe the Mk.22 "Hush Puppy" would have been a better choice for Fluttershy though.
For the rifles, the WA2000 should have been Rarity, since WA2000s are rare and expensive. Twilight should have been the M16A1, Applejack the classic 870, and Fluttershy the British De Lisle carbine.
So 'dat EqG. Finally watched it last night, and it wasn't too bad. It had a good amount of humour, facial designs and expressions were pretty nice, while the animation was just as good as it's been FiM since season 3.

I've seen many people say that the songs were lame and forgettable, and while I can agree many of them aren't as good as anything I've heard in FiM, 'Helping Twilight Win the Crown' was actually pretty damn cool. It was complimented by some great animation and having the humanised Mane 6 dance certainly wasn't as cringe-worthy as expected. Quite the opposite.

Giving Spike Dog the ability to speak was another plus point as I had hoped. By the end I thought his new temporary design was spot on, although him and Rarity getting as close as they did at one point was... interesting.

I already knew Sunset Shimmer had a really nice character design, and her Sunset Satan transformation was pure FiM (very reminiscent Chrysalis' reveal). Her intent along with the execution of her plan was kind of lack-luster, and the end felt like a slightly more extreme "Trixie redemption" + "NMM defeat".

As for Flash Sen- Uh, Brad, he didn't feature as much as I expected. Even when he was more prominent during the second half of the movie, he didn't get much screen-time. Twilight suddenly falling for a guy seemed rather pointless other than the fact that he happened to be Shimmer's ex. Their dancing however... made me forget all about that for a moment. They also hinted at the fact that when Twilight returned and bumped into his Equestian counterpart, they might go somewhere with it. But we already heard that the writers aren't planning on going down that round in season 4. In the end the whole "Brad" affair is something I'm entirely indifferent towards.

And for the final spoiler, best part of the movie right here. :lol:

Overall, it's an acceptable concept for an MLP movie. My initial view was that I had doubts about the setting, but waiting to watch it in-full meant that I can properly judge it. And it wasn't all that bad. Not great, or that memorable even, but it was entertaining enough.
Bu... but teenage zombie army... and some magical satanic-looking broad? Plus they all have hands and a high school-level education!

I mean, spoilers! SPOILERS DAMN IT!



Pinkie's watched this too many times:

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