The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
She's one step close to being the tree she always wanted to be. XD


The hype for this new episode better be worth it. While the first couple of minutes of it boils down to "Twi with bedroom eyes... while in bed". :lol:

EDIT: Spoilers...

Oh dear god, that villain's laugh... and Flutterhulk. The writers knew exactly what they were going to do with her.

I figured it would be some sort of enchanted comic, but there was plenty of entertainment value. Maretropolis was a refreshingly different setting even though it's far removed from Equestria in general.

Those outfits though... they should wear them all the time. Especially Rarity and AJ.
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Episode spoilers, maybe:
I know it's a Power Rangers parody. Thank you internet, and I don't mean that sarcastically. I just have nothing to say, mainly cause Power Rangers isn't something that I'm into. They looked cool I guess.

Meh, so much meh.

The only redeeming part was when Fluttershy had that little episode.
Other than that it was the most generic thing I could imagine.
Avoiding spoilers finally paid off with the latest episode.

Liked moments of what felt like an episode from a previous season (S2 mostly). Better than Power Ponies in any case, which was refreshing but left me feeling somewhat empty.

Fluttershy may have had the better idea (though not that well explained), but AJ had a proper deep-seated reason for just wanting to get rid of the bats, and of course the others went and sided with her instead of Flutters.

The song seemed like the polar opposite of Hearts as Strong as Horses. The song itself wasn't as memorable, but the lyrics were alright. The way the characters (well, except for Pinkie) acted during it seemed oddly antagonistic towards Fluttershy, who continues to go up in my books this season. Her bat transformation was both surprising and good fun towards the end, which makes two episodes in a row where she goes through some sort of transformation, damn...

Also, what was with Twilight's mischievous grin every time she formulated a plan? The weird 80s diagram she threw up instead of zapping Flutters when she had the chance (thus saving the impossibly large apple)? The twist at the end of the episode, similar to what we saw in Castle Mane-ia and Power Ponies? And Dash's apparent cider fetish? :lol:

Oh, and Pinkie's prehensile hair could have been a little throwback from Power Ponies, now that I think about it. Loved that part especially.
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