The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Hey guys sorry I haven't been on in a while my computer died.

BTW has anyone seen the L-train's album moonrise a symphonic metal opera because it is the best album in the fandom.

Hey guys sorry I haven't been on in a while my computer died.

BTW has anyone seen the L-train's album moonrise a symphonic metal opera because it is the best album in the fandom.

I'd contest that it's the best, but it's pretty damned good.
Only AJ can be so annoying, silly and hilarious all at once.

Mostly her fault for causing Apple Bloom to mess up the kitchen babying her in response while AB's word go right over her head (annoying). Taking extreme measures to ensure she's safe in a comedic manner. I mean, freaking TF2-style hatception! (funny). And even going as far as admitting how silly she is (uh... silly).

Oh, and that chimaera villain was... hapless at making the most of an opportunity to get a meal. Even with tail-snake doing her best Kaa hypno-eyes. Very oddly designed creature which makes sense, and its reveal was just brutal.

So yeah, AJ can be as stubborn as ever. And silly, but that's a given with her. I didn't expect her to let Apple Bloom off so lightly, but instead she was simply impressed that she got through the swamp by herself. That should put an end to her overzealous coddling at least.

You know the drill.
Oh right, wings.
Helmets, helmets everywhere.
Well, that song was out of... Oh wait they stopped.
Nice job ruining it Scootaloo.
I loved Applejack in this episode. Kind of reminds me of Rarity in Simple Ways for some reason.
I don't consider episode titles to be spoilers anymore. I just try not to think too much about them.
And Then There's Maud Eska.


I can't stand her personality (though her design is great), but my God. Can she make mincemeat of those rocks.

And the episode had its moments. Mainly everyone's shocked reaction to Maud's stony disposition. At least Pinkie wasn't quite so annoying (like she has been more often than not this season) when trying to act more like Maud's polar opposite in the background. One of more grounded episodes of the series I thought.
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I'm still spoilering it.
There's... something about Maude. I don't know.
Congratulations Rarity, you're the new Silver.
A third thing from the Equestria Girls parody videos has become canon: Rainbow Rocks, after giant apple and... burger.
@CoffeeGrunt I was thinking about having EqG Trixie as my avatar/profile pic. If I do that though, I'll lose the Martini stripes.

I don't wanna do that. :(

@nascarfan1400 Submit...

