The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
It has been around since 4 years ago.

Million chapters now, seriously. Though now is not as updated.
Excluding the intro, the epilogue and the prologue, the original is 45 chapters, and 600000 something words. Project Horizons has passed the million word mark now.
I saw that, too. I also noticed they were all Colts fans. I guess that makes sense. I liked the Lego Movie cameo, too.
I was just rewatching Rainbow Rocks and I noticed something I missed before. During the slumber party, when the pizza arrived, Twilight puts Fluttershy's notebook into a drawer with a partially-eaten donut in it. When she pulls the notebook out later that night, the donut is gone. I guess pizza must not have been enough for Pinkie Pie and she must have hit her stash of donuts before the night was through.
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I was just rewetting Rainbow Rocks and I noticed something I missed before. During the slumber party, when the pizza arrived, Twilight puts Fluttershy's notebook into a drawer with a partially-eaten donut in it. When she pulls the notebook out later that night, the donut is gone. I guess pizza must not have been enough for Pinkie Pie and she must have hit her stash of donuts before the night was through.
You're not the only one to notice that. There are at least a couple CinemaSins parodies for the movie, and one of them points out the donut. It didn't cross my mind when watching it.

Also, "rewetting"?

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Today is the second anniversary of the unfortunate day that this project was hit with a C&D. Just thought I'd mention that.

lol vague season premier date strikes again.


Wasn't hard to believe they'd go with that based on last year's animatic. Now it just seems even more likely.
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lol vague season premier date strikes again.


Wasn't hard to believe they'd go with that based on last year's animatic. Now it just seems even more likely.


Now this is an idea I like the sound of.

Also, I saw the trailer. It looks like it's gonna be awesome. Considering we've been waiting almost a year, it better be. I just hope they tell us a definite release date soon. I'm sick of all this waiting. I'm still thinking April. Also (minor spoilers):
The mayor of this town is apparently named Mayor Marks. From a vector I found, she looks like a hybrid of Suri Polomare and Aria Blaze. What a story Marks. I heard someone in a Facebook group I'm in mention Story of the Blanks. I don't think it's going there. But the name of the mayor kind of doesn't help.
For the record, I still kind of prefer white text over actual spoiler tags.
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Who is this weird pony?


For @nascarfan1400


Now this is an idea I like the sound of.

Also, I saw the trailer. It looks like it's gonna be awesome. Considering we've been waiting almost a year, it better be. I just hope they tell us a definite release date soon. I'm sick of all this waiting. I'm still thinking April. Also (minor spoilers):
The mayor of this town is apparently named Mayor Marks. From a vector I found, she looks like a hybrid of Suri Polomare and Aria Blaze. What a story Marks. I heard someone in a Facebook group I'm in mention Story of the Blanks. I don't think it's going there. But the name of the mayor kind of doesn't help.
For the record, I still kind of prefer white text over actual spoiler tags.
Its a mare as its turns out.

Mare Zedong confirmed!

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Some Friendship Games News

So... more info on Equestria Girls 3 and related merchandise. My thoughts (contains spoilers for movie):
There is a rival school named Crystal Prep. Must be the home of the Shadow Colts. Wouldn't be surprised if Science Twilight went to said school.
More Brad romance. I don't care. I know Flashlight can cause massive drama, but I'm neutral towards it.
"Midnight Sparkle" will happen at the end of the movie. I am not sure as to what Midnight Sparkle is. Sounds like it might be Human Twilight. It also sounds like it might be the dark counterpart to Rainbow Power.