So after losing the one site where I caught up on Season 4, I finally found a site that I was able to catch up on Season 5. Quick summary from me on my feelings the episodes:
Episode 1-2: Well, they didn't waste time with that New castle, did they? Was quite interesting and threw me for a loop as the Town definitely reeks of something off (and the looks that Pinkie Pie was giving them just had me in stitches) and then suddenly, turns out the leader of the town is actually hiding her cutie mark while taking everyone else's (What a twist!). Kinda contradicted the whole "all are equal" ploy she was selling, also makes me question how many more egotistical Unicorns there are (First Trixie, then Sunset Shimmer and now...can't even remember her name but you get the idea). Definitely more of a twist then all the previous other season premiers.
Episode 3: Funny thing is just before I watched this, I thought "Weird that Twilight doesn't seem at all to miss that library she stayed at and is just comfortable here" only then find out three minutes in that she isn't and that in this episode, they even revisit the old place, well what's left of it anyway (sad sight really, it was easily what identified Twilight for so long). Was funny how only after they decorated the Castle did they realize that it didn't really do much (and then leave it to Spike to be blunt about it
). I sorta understood the message.
Episode 4: Well the first episode of the season with the CMC is here and wow, its one bad dream after another. One being an exterminator (even though there isn't much exterminating going on), another being potion maker (though there wasn't ANY Potion making at all) and then a...dolphin? Really drives home how irrational fear can be. Maybe its just me but I kinda like how Luna has become their guide every time she appears.
Episode 5: Pretty much figured this would be about Rainbow Dash's pet, however I didn't expect it to be about her being so desperate to spend time with him that she would be a jerk to everyone telling her the truth and intentionally disrupt winter to do it (even though that didn't go to plan). Was I the only one that may have saw a "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" reference? could just be me associating it with the fact that someone is trying to stop something from coming AND there happens to be snow involved but Rainbow's face after saying she has to stop winter just kinda left me thinking that. Anyhow, I don't think I recall her being that sad, or Fluttershy being THAT blunt with her (which just shocked me considering she is the complete opposite). I laughed at the part where the others were crying and Pinkie pie mentioning Apple Jack crying on the inside
(For some reason, "Hold in sadness, like a boss" springs to mind).
Episode 6: I was expecting a character who was either some rogue that wanted to ruin the city or a jealous loser trying to sabotage whatever event was happening and in the first three minutes, I was definitely convinced choice 2 was going to be the answer. I wasn't expecting this "Outlaw" to be a world class clutz so that was quite interesting. I'd thought the sheriff would have realized by then that this so called "outlaw" is abit off by the amount of beds he mysteriously keeps breaking (I don't even know what he did to break the other ones
Episode 7: Well it wouldn't be a season without at least one appearance by Discord and wow, he was very clingy. And he was jealous of Fluttershy's new friend (Who leaves me with the impression that she likely possesses a daily supply of some herbal stuff
). I have to say I'm impressed with how Discord maintains his villainous character yet now does so as someone desperate to keep a friend. The part that really just had me looking like this
was when she made that...whatever that was to calm the slime thing, never has a character left me more amused AND confused then Tree Hugger (and that's saying a lot considering Pinkie usually does that for me). And then it ends with it turning out that Celestia invited Discord (Trolling much?) My favorite parts: Discord going MGS (silly Cord, You can't sneak up on a Pony that regularly breaks the 4th wall). And of course, "You're the most basic joke" Best..burn..ever
Episode 8: So interestingly, the map from Episode 1 and 2 now leads only Pinkie Pie and Raindow Dash to Griffondor. Right off, I start thinking "how funny would it be if Gilda showed up" and low and behold, she actually does (Unsurprisingly as cold as before). One thing I really liked was how in their mission to spread friendship in Griffondor, they end up actually reparing the friendship between Rainbow Dash and Gilda. Also, leave it to Pinkie Pie to randomly pull out Baking powder and surprisingly, make this scones not Teeth breakingly hard (which is kinda funny to see happen to Pinkie).
So whats the point in all of this? Well, I'm watching a new episode live instead of for the first time via download and since its the 100th episode, I figured why not start with this.
Edit: Just saw it and I'm not gonna spoil anything. All I'll say is that you are going to recognize a lot of familiar faces, most of whom actually now have speaking parts instead of just random appearances (and one actually has an interesting backstory that I certainly didn't see coming). Also, Muffins.