The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

You know what, even though this isn't really close to how I had hoped for it to come out, I feel it's worth posting.

Coincidentally, does anyone know a good program for creating .gifs out of a video?
And if there's nothing to convert part of a video straight to a .gif, does anyone know of a good program for pulling individual frames of a video? I would shop out the outer edges of the photo, but I'm not going through that until I find a better way to make a .gif.

I recorded that with Fraps at 30 FPS and manually captured each frame for the .gif.

EDIT: Oh, any opinions on my new avatar?

First of all, that South Park episode was ****ing hilarious. And yeah ponies are cool and doesn't afraid of anything.
BTW, if you want to do it how I did, with each one being separate, I cut them in Photoshop and uploaded them to imgur each, then just how I paste in the IMG codes determines the alignment.
At least it is 20% cooler.

I'm Imaging Mike Rows voice right now;
"The 2012 Ford "Rainbow Dash" Mustang. It's 20% Cooler."

Also, if I had that, I would find all of the normal Mustangs, Camaros, and Challengers I could and call them "blank flanks" just for the hell of it.
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I was thinking, if they made a My Little Pony feature film who here would be man enough to go to the cinema to watch it on their own?... :rolleyes:
I usually don't go to the cinema anyway. For anything.

In other words: I wouldn't.
Funnily enough, I'm actually going to the cinema in 20 minutes. If I had the chance to go alone to watch an MLP film, I don't think I would bother going. I wouldn't bother watching any movie alone for that matter. I don't know about getting my friends to go with me to watch an MLP movie if it ever happened, perhaps a few drinks would help though.
I wouldn't bother watching any movie alone for that matter.
People have this mindset but after working at a theater I realized it doesn't matter. No one notices or cares.

I have seen far more embarrased looking guys being drug into a romantic comedy by a girl than lone guys going to see something like the Powerpuff Girls movie (which was actually pretty good). Heck, I had numerous guys come out of Ya Ya Sisterhood looking traumatized and telling us how he lied about going to the bathroom just to get out for five minutes.
I'd go and see an MLP movie but it'd have to be epic with lots of Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.

Otherwise, no.
It is a bit weird that a show clearly aimed at a younger audience is best absorbed by those twice or three times the targeted demographic. :lol:
People have this mindset but after working at a theater I realized it doesn't matter. No one notices or cares.

I have seen far more embarrased looking guys being drug into a romantic comedy by a girl than lone guys going to see something like the Powerpuff Girls movie (which was actually pretty good). Heck, I had numerous guys come out of Ya Ya Sisterhood looking traumatized and telling us how he lied about going to the bathroom just to get out for five minutes.

A MLP film should be good then seeing as its done by the same people who did Powerpuff girls. I just don't know if I could take the staring by mothers with their daughters looking at me like I'm some sort of wierdo.

I've seen that Ya Ya Sisterhood on TV (not voluntarily), my gosh it goes on and on and on and I never got the point of the story... probably because I fell asleep :lol:

A MLP film should be good then seeing as its done by the same people who did Powerpuff girls. I just don't know if I could take the staring by mothers with their daughters looking at me like I'm some sort of wierdo.

I've seen that Ya Ya Sisterhood on TV (not voluntarily), my gosh it goes on and on and on and I never got the point of the story... probably because I fell asleep :lol:


At the end of the movie you have to say loud enough so everyone can hear; "Hey, that wasn't Transformers 3" or whatever big action movie is out at the time.

And this, this is the single greatest thing I've ever seen. I will never watch either show the same way again.

EDIT: And thanks for the new desktop wallpaper.
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I remember that episode. Never crossed my mind someone actually made a parody. I should know better by now :D

About the movie... I'd see it. The problem is going alone without wife and daughters knowing. As soon as cartoon movies are announced I start listen to things like "please daddy", "c'mon", "lets go watch the F movie" for days in a row... and after that, "I want the DVD", "my friends have it".

So imagine how will it be to see something so adorable as MLP... My ears ache already :D