Also, 70449...
There. I went ahead and changed it.
Now no one other than you, me, or Racedude will ever know what it said. Well, provided Racedude actually looked at the post before refreshing the page.
Would they need to write Celestia about what they learned, or do you think Celly would be good with the oral report.I suppose that's one use for a Twilight clone.
*waits for others to understand*
Also, full size of my avatar:
@Toro, it's my new sleep image. Stay away. :grrr:
"It's manly! Not homoerotic!"mfw a friend's friend said "Ponies are gay." while wearing a WWE shirt with sweaty men in speedos groping each other.
coffeegrunt:I've only BEEN one since i came off a link elsewhere and found them on youtube. the stories are FAR better than you'd expect. Just finished an "imminent war with other countries" fic that is most DEFIANTLY rated M for Manly and full of gore and war. talk about Anti-girly.
I suppose that's one use for a Twilight clone.
Would they need to write Celestia about what they learned, or do you think Celly would be good with the oral report.
Woona never did get that hug sadly.
RainbowCrash88I played the guitars, acoustics, bass, pianos and Synths myself and got in someone to play the violin parts. The rest of it I sequenced. Sadly I don't know anyone who can play the banjo!
A brony is currently voicing his way through Equestria War Z...
I.e., my fic written to read like a pony interviewing other ponies on a dictaphone, is being voiced by a guy who's acting as a pony interviewing other ponies. He's only done the intro so far, and wanted to hear what I thought. I can't wait to se how he'll handle the interviews.
Also, have some adorable AJ in a hat. I'm trying to kill Toro, straight to the heart:
Yeah, I'm not sure if I've mentioned it yet, but I'm currently reading that story. I also remember saying a while back that these zombie pony fics aren't the kind of stories I'm normally interested in, but EWZ isn't bad really. Come to think of it, the only other zombie/pony story I would even consider reading is a Resi crossover (or a SotD crossover for that matter... that would be brilliant actually).
This... this is off the scale!
Good luck finding the issue.
Hope it's an easy fix there for you and nothing too serious.
Oh God...heart palpitations...
Someone on another forum dared say that the entire brony fandom is illegal due to copyright laws. I wrote a very rare leviathan post to drown him in letters:
Well, I gave into fantasy. I'm drawing a pony in power armor. I'm trying really hard too stray away from FO:E territory, and I'm thinking it's going okay.
I really like power armor and mechanical limbs, in the case you haven't guessed.
A brony is currently voicing his way through Equestria War Z...
I.e., my fic written to read like a pony interviewing other ponies on a dictaphone, is being voiced by a guy who's acting as a pony interviewing other ponies. He's only done the intro so far, and wanted to hear what I thought. I can't wait to se how he'll handle the interviews.
So I squee'd.
I hate that feeling...
That's just amaizing. Your popuarity rocketed sky high in the last 2 weeks. Soon you are going to be on the mooOOOooon!
...still haven't done your picture. =(
I'm trying not to let it get to my head...I really am. XD
I feel that spamming this thread with "fan comics, squee. Fan music, eeee! Fan voice-overs, yaaaay" probably gets on everyone's nerves. Sorry f it does, but I'm just so darned happy to see my work like this. There's something about writing the voice in my head down onto a doc, then hearing another brony reading my fic in voice and going, "Yes! That is exactly how I imagined it!"
Work on it whenever. I've currently got another story in the works that doesn't need a custom cover, so that's bought you a few weeks of not being bothered by DER AMERIKANER.
That's not to say I don't want the picture. I want it a lot. I'm saying, don't feel rushed. Have fun!