That filly Rarity vector is the best.
Also, I just finished comparing the 1080p 5.1 TV-rip set with the 720p 5.1 iTunes set (Winter Wrap-Up, if you must know). No comparison. 1080p set does look notably sharper, and the colours aren't washed out. However, it doesn't look 36 gigs better, there is blur during fast camera motions and there are still watermarks.
Also, and most importantly, the 720p set destroys the audio for the 1080p set. Clearer sounds, better voice isolation (especially for the backing vocals during songs, which are drowned out in the 1080p set), much better channel separation during songs (vocals come out of the center channel, melody comes out of the L/R, backing vocals come out of L/R and LR/RR) and much more natural sounding bass (1080p set bass is much too strong).