The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Sadly, sucked.

I didn't even get to the violent part before I got bored and clicked away. I've got unreasonable amounts of free time, and that still felt like a waste.

That comic is great though:lol:
I am glad that they didn't do the giant boulder cliche in this episode. I was hoping they wouldnt :P

Good episode overall, have to admit the synopsis didn't fill me with joy when I first read it, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Well, it WAS a Rainbow Dash episode, so it wasn't gonna suck, but still.
"I really hate to admit to myself, and I would REALLY hate to admit it to my friends, but...




o_o... I'm a brony..."

This. Why am I seeing this quote all over the place all of a sudden?

EDIT: Suddenly pony tattoos.
Wow, I missed so much!

Will watch the episode tomorrow morning. looks like it was a great one.
Got back from work. Too tired...

Uh, made some sketches.



Top left - Star Light concept.

Top right - hmmm, looks familiar? XD

Bottom left - a scene from Star Fighter's backstory where he fought Star Dust.

Bottom right - Star Dust concept. He addresses Star Fighter after knocking him on the ground. "Aw, Scarface. You look so cute, when you are hurt." Almost the same words he said when he found him after the SonicRainboom incident.
I think my brain melted a little bit after watching that

unit, you're sketches are looking really good. I'd like to see the second and third one coloured in.

And yes Mint, happy Dash is best Dash. :D
unit, Is it coffee-pony?

Oh Dash, you always so suggestive. :lol:


And you were right about the tattoos Mint. (I think you brought it up) They're everywhere.
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EDIT: Wait, does this mean we'll get a Daring Do wet mane?

Well, of course we will, but it might end up being me who does it.


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>read story where Rainbow dies in an attempt to overthrow Nightmare Moon (in an alternate universe where most of the Elements never met each other so she basically just walked in and took everything)

>Gilda becomes The New Rainbow Dash (only much darker) in memorium for her

>love Gilda even more



You know, this wouldn't be a problem if Fluttershy didn't piss me off most of the time. Then I could just want Gilda dead for making her cry just like everyone else. Or should I blame JJ?

I just realized something about Reading Rainbow Dash. She was just like me when I was first a brony. I liked the show, but didn't want to reveal it to anyone outside of the Internet. And anyone else remember the filly nurse that looked like Twist?
When I was searching for Daring Do's cutie mark:




And yes, right before I started coloring the mane I noticed this:


But honestly, I wasn't a fan of the positioning of the cutie mark, or the way the mane and tail were colored.

And I didn't resize the thing. I still made some mistakes, but they're not noticeable unless you zoom in. I do see one thing that I'm going back to fix now.



EDIT: I just thought about something.
Why the hell is there no Daring Shoo-Bee-Do yet?
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See this:


Horrible. Who would do such a thing?

Now go to that image (125308). Look at the Anon comment. Remember what happened when she was in Last Roundup.

I was drinking Pepsi when I saw it. Now there is Pepsi all over my desk.
When I clicked on ponibooru to see that thing Toro mentioned I saw this:

I can't stop :censored:ing laughing.

It's god damn terrifying.:lol:

Now go to that image (125308). Look at the Anon comment. Remember what happened when she was in Last Roundup.

I was drinking Pepsi when I saw it. Now there is Pepsi all over my desk.




like Gabe Newell in a Buffet
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So yeah, the new episode was fantastic. I loved adorkable Rainbow Dash. I thought it was a nice development, considering her characterization in Mare Do Well was kind of a step backwards (at least in my opinion). It was nice a new episode developed her well. This episode and how funny she was in the previous one has sort of bumped up my opinion of Rainbow Dash quite a bit.

Speaking of Rainbow Dash, there was a new Rainbow Dash Presents from the Mentally Advanced team. It's a parody of Rainbow Factory. I've never even read Rainbow Factory but ... I say without hyperbole that it is probably the best pony fanvid I've seen in a while. The level of work that went into it is pretty impressive. Also it's hilarious.

^I'll be watching that tomorrow. Don't have time right now.


Every piece of art I see involving Daring Do is pushing her toward my 2nd favorite non-mane 6 pony.

Friendship is witchcraft is the best fan series as far as I'm concerned. They may have taken footage straight from the episode but the voice acting is superb. And the songs, oh the songs are so good.
I like both of them. I personally think Mentally Advanced series is the funnier of the two (mostly because it appeals a bit more to my sense of humor), but I love Friendship is Witchcraft too. The songs really are very catchy and I really, really liked the last episode, with Sweetie Bot and everything.
After actually watching that video I will say that it was really well done. They're different types of comedy. But both are definitely at the top of each respective type of comedy.
Naveek, did you actually watch the video posted or did you just comment to say that you don't care? If you didn't watch it that's a pretty negative view about fan content that we have regarded as being very good.

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