The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Poor Tom. He never stood a chance.

Also, this might be for that one guy, I dunno:




'Dat fabulous ghost.
You people are trying to kill me before I hit post 5k, aren't you?

Because my god. It's working.
Tada! I shall name him Ste-eh-eh-ve. I'll probably go back later and clean up some of the lines, but overall I'm pretty pleased. :)

Well that's certainly an interesting idea for an OC. I haven't seen one that original since one guy on DA decided to make his OC a Dik-dik.

I hate everything. Caught a spoiler from Ask Aquilinius. Today sucked major lollipop.

That really does suck, especially as we were doing all we could to avoid posting spoilers in this thread for your sake.
I'd say not bad for drawings one and two.

How do you like dem boots? That is literally what I spent all my time on, getting them more or less right.
Reading the last four pages all in one go is not a good idea for anyone enjoying the gift of being alive.

I shall return to being dead now. Good day to you.

Ii the unlikely chance anyone for any reason is wondering where I've been, I've just been really busy. Should hopefully be back in the chat tomorrow, if not then, then Monday.