The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard


Fluttershy being cute on her own merits rather than forced pandering? Impossiburu!




Fluttershy being cute on her own merits rather than forced pandering? Impossiburu!

I actually find her cuter when she's smiling or looking confused rather than when she's pandering.




Also: FiM first aired in 10/10/10, which is considered prophetic on some cultures, and 101010 = 42 in binary.

So many coincidences. Even if 42 was a number pulled out of nowhere for a children's book, it is quite odd so many things point to it.
Don't let your teachers spot you posting on GTP when you're supposed to be doing your ICT work :P .
I was on break. Nobody noticed. I win, 207 is the number of yay. If only the school computers weren't so slow.

And it's true, FiM is the meaning of life. I totally forgot how my life was without this show. Oh well. If only I never truly knew about until October 2011. Hey, better late than never.

Since I forget my exact brony anniversary date, I'll celebrate on October 10. Now all I have to do is explain to my dad that this show is the meaning of life. Not that he cares about me watching the show, and he's okay with watching an episode sometime, but I wonder what he'll think about this 42 thing...

Oh, I have another one: The meaning of life came straight out of the Twilight Zone.

And he turns 42 the day before the world ends. Not that I believe the world will end, but him turning that age on Dec. 20 will be pretty funny.


"One bit!" "Two bits" "Two bits!"

And instead of watching The Simpsons after our Mario Kart game tomorrow, we'll watch The Return of Harmony. After all, I started there.
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Perhaps you subscribed to RC88? Pinkie's theme was made by Whitetail. Or maybe you subscribed to both. You probably did. If you did, I dunno why you didn't see it.

Trollestia strikes again.
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I wactched Heartless today, and the character Tia (or at least her first impression) reminded me of Derpy.
Tia was delivering a package (a tree), and she went all up and down a zillion times because she couldn't find apartment 27.
BronyCray is seeking editors for his last chapters of TNTNE. Editor must be familiar with GDocs system.

Toronado, you are interested in helping me with my story, but as my ghost writer is kinda busy, maybe you will be happy to help BC?

I can edit typos, but I'm not familiar with GDocs. Just send him a note.

And Daring Do can't be Trixie. DD is a Pegasus.


DD looks quite sexy nice in Trixie's cloak and hat... :)

Perhaps you subscribed to RC88? Pinkie's theme was made by Whitetail. Or maybe you subscribed to both. You probably did. If you did, I dunno why you didn't see it.

Trollestia strikes again.

:lol: , is that supposed to be William and Katherine?
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Well the advertising campaign for the episode clearly draws a lot of inspiration from the royal wedding, but I don't think they're meant to BE Wills and Kate.

This is pretty cool. Linking rather than posting because massive. Quite wordy, but it does "answer" some questions about controlling the weather and whatnot.
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The Daring and Adventurous Trixie.

Wow, that's quite nice.

BronyCray is seeking editors for his last chapters of TNTNE. Editor must be familiar with GDocs system.

Toronado, you are interested in helping me with my story, but as my ghost writer is kinda busy, maybe you will be happy to help BC?

I can edit typos, but I'm not familiar with GDocs. Just send him a note.


There will be "at least two, but might be as many as four" chapters remaining? That's roughly how many I thought there would be left, but it's good to here it straight from the writer.

As for editing, I would be up for it. The only problem being experience really, or lack thereof, plus I think that Logan would be the prime candidate for this anyway.

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The just.....I don't.....even....I played that game for the first time in 8 years last night.

That is uncanny.

This is pretty cool. Linking rather than posting because massive. Quite wordy, but it does "answer" some questions about controlling the weather and whatnot.

Was honestly kind of worried it might end up making a bad call with the whole 'Twilight's daughter' thing, but I actually love the way that was handled. The comic as a whole was really great, though.
Dat wedding screencap. Not spoilery, but
Rainbow Dash always dresses in style! Well, not really. And they indeed kiss.
Not really that much of a spoiler, but for those who want too avoid anything even remotely spoilery, I spoilered it.

Not spoilery enough for me to "Oh god no" about this. Besides, we're so close to it, I can handle things that minor. Just don't start posting spoilers.
Well, no.
I could link you to the screencap I was talking about if you want. Or just look on the first page of ED, it's near the top still. It doesn't truly imply anything about anypony saying about Rainbow Dash always dressing in style, but you'll really like her mane.
I could link you to the screencap I was talking about if you want. Or just look on the first page of ED, it's near the top still. It doesn't truly imply anything about anypony saying about Rainbow Dash always dressing in style, but you'll really like her mane.

No, the other part of your spoiler.

:P :crazy: :P
The kissing part? The screencap is focused on the royal couple kissing. What did you expect?
Rainbow Dash dressing in style and the kiss are in the same screencap.