The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Ewww I demand this gif to be removed!

*turns away and barfs*
Seriously? What does it sound like the choir is chanting, and what's the name of the video?

'Dat innocence.

Also, JJ Luna is so damn cute.

I get it now. And take off those glasses Luna! In my opinion they don't suit you at all :yuck: !

Twilight's hugging Tom.

Hey no fair! How come I don't get a hug :banghead: ?
Sorry dude, you just jinxed it ...

:lol: Your feeble attempts on my life.

The fundamental problem with Spitfire is that she often portrayed as a sexy pin-up, rather than adorable.

Try Fluttershy, it may work.