I think people are taking me way too seriously. And CoffeeGrunt is right, bi doesn't mean three partners. I really am not sure why connected the TriDashShy with bisexualism. Maybe I was channeling my inner Pinky Pie.
And I know the writers didn't intend for the characters to directly relate to sexuality. It REALLY is just a kids show...but, that being said, I also don't think that it's just a coincidence that there are characters that wear the "alternative sexuality" colors. Just like it's not a coincidence that we have a hillbilly, aristocrat, party animal, nature lover and tomboy for the main characters. Or that we have seen Africans, super wealthy, hicks, native Americans and pretty much every other nationality and race there is. The show really does teach that everyone is special in their own way and we should respect each other no matter who they are, where they come from, or what they're into.
Another thing I LOVE about the show is the main characters (and almost everyone else) has a job:
Rarity owns her own tailor shop
Twilight Sparkle works for the Princess, but also runs the library
Fluttershy has a pet farm and wakes the animals up from hibernation in the spring.
Rainbow Dash is in charge of Ponyville's weather
Applejack of course works at Sweet Apple Acres with Big Mac, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith
Even Pinky Pie helps out in the bakery, is the town greeter and has her own little party supply store.
This teaches kids about the value of hard work which comes up quite often, really. Heck in just about every episode, someone is literally doing their job.
And together, AJ, RD and FS help control the seasons with Rarity, TS and PP helping out where they can.
But, to clear everything up, I know, in the series itself, there's no real sexuality between anyone. Even when the subject of the "very special somepony" comes up, there's no REAL sexuality there...just mush. To be perfectly honest, I still don't like Pony Porn, but I can see where people get the ideas for Pony Porn.