The UCD: The Most Annoying Feature in GT5?

UCD is all about patience and luck, dude. ;)

It is now. For a while, some folks had figured out the sequence and you would be able to know when a certain car you were looking for was going to show up. Then you could keep track and not run the risk of missing the one day out of 1000 that the Nardo or Altezza Tourer was going to show up.

But PD went and changed that for no reason. I had spent about a week not racing, but opening and closing practice sessions to advance my days to get closer to the Nardo. I got within 15 days of the next time it was scheduled to show up and the patch destroyed the sequence. So I spent another week doing the same thing until I found it. Of course, all of this was necessary because the first time I saw it I had the money but not the "level" to buy it. I had to burn through 1741 "Days" of GT5 between the first time I saw it and when I finally got it.

I duped the hell out of it and now have 11 of them. I was going to just start randomly handing them out to people who were as frustrated as me with the car distribution model in this game, but they are "worth" 1.4mil.

And all the while, we still can't save in the middle of an endurance race. To PD, pissing people off who are just looking for a car is far more important.
Hey guy's. I'm sorry. I've had this game since the first day it came out. I still don't know where to look to see what day you're on. help, please?
Is there some way to SEE what day you're on at any point? If so, I've not found it.

The UCD is about the worst feature of the game. I like the '69 Cougar, looked for it for about 4 months till I found it. I think there's a racing '63 Corvette. Never seen one for sale, but I've raced them many times. (If this was GTA I could just STEAL it!!)

(How about a UCD with like 300-500 cars in it or ten different dealers? I hate you can't get to most of the cars whenever you want)
(How about a "race for pinks" race where you can TAKE one of the cars you beat in a race?? huh? huh?)
I think the UCD is great, a Renault 5 Rally car just turned up and I blew tons of cash on it, its awesome too! Doesnt actually go in a straight line, side ways is way forward, literally
Hey guy's. I'm sorry. I've had this game since the first day it came out. I still don't know where to look to see what day you're on. help, please?

exit the game.
on your XMB under 'games' scroll to 'saved utility data'
look for the GT5 icon, scroll to it
there it will list days into the game, current car and current credits.
Now, I don't mind the UCD. Except for one problem. It ALWAYS taunts me! Anytime I want/need a car it always appears when I don't have enough. FGT, W12, 2J, Sauber C9, And the ESCUDO rally car. Thing. Other then that, i don't mind it. I swear the UCD hates me....
Quite like the fact you never know what's going to be there, I see the FGT regularly in the UCD I bought mine in the collectors though when they were 2.5 million. My bug bear is you can only buy one at a time makes it all drawn out cutting in to vital track time.
There's a quick way to cheat and cycle the UCD...

Go to License test, choose the first one (B license?). Load up the first test. Don't start it but choose next test. Each time you load up a new test, it cycles 6 cars in UCD. Do this five times (basically load up B-1 to B-5 licenses) and that's a full UCD refresh.
Do you still need the Supra RZ?...A 97 RZ has just appeared in my UCD @1408 days so if your close to that day its coming up :)

The Supra that appeared in mine is now sat in my garage seen as though it seems rare :lol: :lol: