Wow, it's been a while since I've posted anything. Thinking out loud.
Anyway, with the advent of so many racing titles to hit PS4, strongly considering picking up a wheel. Thrustmaster T300 is what I'm after, but what to do with my G27? can't keep it as well. Mrs will flip.
Question is what's it worth? The thing is practically mint condition. Logitech replaced it 2 times under warranty and the second time pretty much used it a couple of times. It's the updated one in the newer black box with the green blueprint graphics.
If I dropped it on gumtree or ebay, what do you think I'd get?
If I get rid of the wheel, doubt I'll keep the PS3 either. Maybe get rid of them together with the only 2 games I own WRC4 and GT6.
Trouble is people are moving on with new gen games and hardware. Is there a demand for used PS3 and G27?