The Ultimate force feedback "Wheel Buyers Guide" for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X and XBox One

Honestly from what I've read For new PS4 users wanting a decent, not-over-the-top-pricey compatible wheel it's either the G29 or the T150

Positives for Each, in comparison to each:

T150 is stronger FFB, better detail FFB, no "centre 30degrees of deadzone" and slightly smoother wheel turning, solid quality metal Paddles for shifting gears. Also 1080degrees whoop whoop

G29:Way better pedals(3 of em too), kinda better wheel materials(personal preference thing, G29 wheel materials should technically last longer before showing wear), comes with plasticy but certainly durable H-shift(T150 doesn't have one).

The T150 also happens to be around 50 euros cheaper, and is perfect for those not knowing if they are completely into the sim racing scene yet. It's properly good for Entry-level material but also I'd say it's even good enough to suffice for more experienced wheel users that don't have their usual High-end budgets available. So I'd recommend the T150 for anyone on PS4/PC/PS3 as the new entry-level Wheel (Previously replacing the now discontinued DFGT, which also the T150 just performs a bit better in practically all areas)
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The true nugget for this wheel is in the spec list:
  • Xbox® systems: The compatibility of the wheel base to Xbox One® (incl. Scorpio) can be achieved with (optional) Fanatec steering wheels with Xbox One® compatibility.

So you can buy this PS4 wheelbase and rim, plus a P1 rim, and have one wheelbase across both PS4 and Xbox One consoles: Just swap rims. We're there finally!
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Thanks to @super_gt. Added CSL Elite Racing Wheel to original post and entry for the poll.

Should I removed some of the really old wheels like Logitech G25, G27, Mad Catz, Fanatec Porsche GT2, GT3 etc.?

Even though they're still available for sale at some stores but most of them are more than 5 years old while their targeted console are no longer being manufactured (PS3 or XBox 360)
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In the original video reviews posted it notes that the Fanatec doesn't have a table clamp - how are you supposed to mount these wheels?
Can I ask, what are people's opinions on the Thrustmaster TMX Pro? I've seen it relatively cheap, and it can be used on PC and Xbone which is pretty much what I'm after, but not if it's no good...
Hi, I'm new to the forum but have been playing and loving all kinds of racing games for many years.

Have come to the stage where I'm saving for a wheel setup and possibly then a gaming PC so I can dip my toe into the world of some more realistic sim racing.

Anyways, have a question for when I get my wheel setup.

Are racing chairs an essential with wheels or would I get away with my current desk and office chair for now?

Apologies if there is a more relevant thread I could have posted this in or if it's something which has been answered on here before and I've failed to find it.

Thanks in advance
Are racing chairs an essential with wheels or would I get away with my current desk and office chair for now?
A good stable desk is perfectly sufficient for most consumer wheels. Just make sure to buy a wheel with a good table clamp (e.g. the ones on all Logitech or Thrustmaster wheels work fine).

As for the chair, the most important point for ergonomics is how low it can go. Ideally you want the wheel up close to throat height, which means the chair needs to drop down quite low (and preferably lean back). This way the pedals are also usable because your legs are stretched out, not with knees at right-angles (which would get uncomfortable with pedal sets which have the pedals pretty upright).

Assuming sturdy desk and chair which drops low enough, the only other thing to worry about is that nothing moves. Thick carpets work best, if not then you might have to find something to stick behind the pedals to stop them sliding around, likewise to keep the office chair wheels from moving during racing.
Hi all, have not been looking at the forum for ages as I was perfectly happy with gt force wheel with my ps3. However I recently upgraded to ps4 and I am now in spot of bother. I was considering buying a converter for £80 but I don't think this is cost effective and I am now considering buying t150 instead. I can sell my gt force and for extra £80-£100 get new wheel... please help me make a decision here, I read that t150 is decent and it seems like the best option, I have no monies for better wheel and would love to get some more racing done shortly.. or maybe I should stick to gt force and adapter? I will not have access to other wheels nor i will play on anything else than ps4 so £80 for making my wheel compatible seems a bit steep regardles of how I like my wheel don't you think? Please help!!
Hello folks. If your a gambler like me, consider looking for a used setup online on Offer up or Craigslist. I was able to find a complete setup for $300

Thrustmaster t300rs +
Tp3a pedals +
Th8a shifter +
Wheel stand pro


You can meet with the seller and test out the equipment before you buy. My previous setup was a Logitech G27 used for $100 Still going strong.

I was saving for the t300 set up. What it would have cost me (I don't have the Ferrari Edition but that's the wheel I wanted)

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For those on the fence, BEST BUY has the Logitech G29 WITH the shifter (included Free) listed RIGHT NOW for $199.

It will be out of stock so head to BB website right now...
  • The Logitech G27 works just fine on Grand Turismo Sport PS4 with a CronusMax Plus adapter. That is what I use, no way was I spending on a new wheel just because Sony and Logitech want more money. The CronusMax max is far less cost than a wheel.

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I had the same setup. Every now and then I would hit invisible things and my G27 would turn completely off from time to time. Not sure if it was a cronusmax or USB hub I was using.
I had the same setup. Every now and then I would hit invisible things and my G27 would turn completely off from time to time. Not sure if it was a cronusmax or USB hub I was using.

My guess it was the USB hub, or it didn't like that particular port. Mine likes port 1 and 3, standard setup is 1 and 4.

It's not perfect, but it darn close now. There were some that were getting full brake at only 60% pedal press(we fixed with a script), also the multi function dial for the G29 was mapped to the lower right two buttons on the G27 wheel, those would in one press max out the setting instead of moving one tick per press (also fixed with a script). We did this last week.

Here is the thread for this script, it has the brake and MFD fix in one script. have the T300 Alcantara Edition in a good price right now: £320. Box are also competitively priced for the TH8A shifter as well.

Annoyingly it was 20 quid cheaper only 2 weeks ago. Great wheel though - really loving it. Slight annoyance at it not being fully supported in Project Cars 2 yet (some of the buttons won't map correctly) but not spoiling my enjoyment.
After sitting on the sideline with my incompatible G27, I finally pulled the trigger and upgraded to PS4 compatible equipment.

Nabbed the T300RS servo base ($193) and Alcantera 599XX EVO steering wheel ($99) from Amazon, along with an adapter from Rimcotech that will allow me to make use of my g27 pedals with higher resolution.

Can't wait to jump into GTS next week with the new equipment! Racing just hasn't been the same using the DS4 controller.

Now I just need to figure out if the bolting pattern on my Wheelstand Pro is compatible with the T300RS. Otherwise it's DIY time with my metal drill bits and press.
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After sitting on the sideline with my incompatible G27, I finally pulled the trigger and upgraded to PS4 compatible equipment.

Nabbed the T300RS servo base ($193) and Alcantera 599XX EVO steering wheel ($99) from Amazon, along with an adapter from Rimcotech that will allow me to make use of my g27 pedals with higher resolution.

Can't wait to jump into GTS next week with the new equipment! Racing just hasn't been the same using the DS4 controller.
G27 is plenty compatible with an adapter...