KolyanaWell, as our illustrious BIGREW is distracted by the fairer sex, Bleurabbit nabs top honors ... here's to hoping that the next week or so sees you promoted, Bleu! 👍
Thanks for keeping the board up to date.KolyanaOkay, we've been running the unofficial leaderboard for 35 weeks now and the initial purpose was to 'represent' a large group of Division 3 drivers who didn't appear in the 'official' leaderboard, because they hadn't scored a top 20 position yet; it was meant to give everyone something to chase and a feeling of accomplishment.
This is no longer the case: For quite a number of weeks now there has been less than 20 drivers per race, so every driver - even brand new to the WRS - scores points in the official board. Net result: this board and it's initial purpose are no longer relevant.
I'm going away from the 23rd through 5th of January, which would mean 2 weeks of missed results, but considering that this board has probably had it's day, I'm not going to ask that someone takes it over, but rather use this opportunity to put it to rest.
Once enough people have viewed this message, perhaps Flat_Out will move this thread to the archive?
It was a real pleasure driving with you guys, especially in the days of 30-40 D3 drivers all jostling for position. I really felt that this was where the most fun and friendship was to be had, so I want to tip my hat - as it were - to all of my previous Division 3 drivers: Thanks for everything.
KolyanaOkay, we've been running the unofficial leaderboard for 35 weeks now and the initial purpose was to 'represent' a large group of Division 3 drivers who didn't appear in the 'official' leaderboard, because they hadn't scored a top 20 position yet; it was meant to give everyone something to chase and a feeling of accomplishment.
This is no longer the case: For quite a number of weeks now there has been less than 20 drivers per race, so every driver - even brand new to the WRS - scores points in the official board. Net result: this board and it's initial purpose are no longer relevant.
I'm going away from the 23rd through 5th of January, which would mean 2 weeks of missed results, but considering that this board has probably had it's day, I'm not going to ask that someone takes it over, but rather use this opportunity to put it to rest.
Once enough people have viewed this message, perhaps Flat_Out will move this thread to the archive?
It was a real pleasure driving with you guys, especially in the days of 30-40 D3 drivers all jostling for position. I really felt that this was where the most fun and friendship was to be had, so I want to tip my hat - as it were - to all of my previous Division 3 drivers: Thanks for everything.